Thursday, January 24, 2008

Filipiniana Theses and Dissertations On Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Compiled By Melchor F. Cichon College Librarian III College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Library University of the Philippines in the Visayas Miag-ao, Iloilo 5023 Philippines Last Updated: January 25, 2008 Note: Part 1: Items 1 to 100)*




Somebody was so interested on my old email address, so I lost it. address.3/4/2008 Introduction

*It is unfortunate that when I edited this section, some items were accidentally deleted and I cannot retrieve them anymore.



This collection of Filipiniana masteral and doctoral theses with abstracts on fisheries was prepared to help researchers in their search for information on the various aspects of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Most of these items were prepared by UP in the Visayas College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (UPV-CFOS) students. Some were prepared by Filipinos who graduated abroad. The items have been arranged by species or by major topics for easy access. To further increase the facility in the retrieval of information, three types of indexes have been prepared: Author index, Taxonomic Index, and Subject Index. Most of the items in this collection are found at the UPV-CFOS Library. Acknowledgment This work could not have been possible without the help of the following colleagues: Ms. Teresita R. Ledesma, Mrs. Ninfa L. Bandorio and Mrs. Agnes Limjuco. Location of Materials CFOSL-Serials—College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Serial Section Library, University of the Philippines in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo, 5023, Philippines ICLARM Library, it used to be in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. I do not know if the materials were brought to Mlaysia when the institution transferred to Malaysia. PCARR Library, Los Baños. Laguna SEAFDEC-AQD Library; Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines UPV-Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Library; UPVCFOSL, Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines


. Effendy, Irwan Junaidi. Study on early developmental stages of donkey ear abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus, 1758. March 2000. 140 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2000 F5 I78) This study was conducted to determine the optimal salinity and temperature suitable for H. asinina during the early embryonic and post embryonic developmental stages. Factorial Completely randomized Design was used in experiment. This study was conducted by Stocking fertilized eggs and newly hatched larvae in 4 levels of temperature (23o, 26o, 29o and 32o C +- 0.5oC) and 4 levels of salinity (25, 30, 35 and 40 ppt). The effect on the duration of development, hatching time, hatching rate, survival rate of larvae and larval sizes was evaluated. // The eggs that were spawned and fertilized at 29o C and salinity 30 ppt were directly stocked at the different combination of temperature and salinity without acclimatization. No impairment of the embryos manifested when the level of salinity was changed from 30 ppt to either 25 ppt or 35 ppt and when the temperature was directly changed from 29 oC to either 26oC or 23 OC. However it was detrimental when salinity changed to 40 ppt or when the temperature was increased to 32 oC. Changing both salinity and temperature at certain levels showed better response than those kept at stable salinity and temperature during spawning or fertilization. Increasing temperature until 29oC or the salinity up to 35ppt shortened the duration of embryonic development. 75 to 80 - of fertilized eggs developed only until 2 cell stage when incubated at 32oC or 40 ppt. Combination of 29 oC and 35 ppt showed faster hatching time (301 minutes) than those incubated at 29o C and 30 ppt (326 min) (P<0 -.="" -="" .01="" 0.28="" 0="" 1.154="" 11.98="" 125.83="" 127.17="" 161.3="" 162.3="" 23oc="" 25="" 26o="" 26oc="" 29oc="" 30="" 35="" 35ppt="" all="" and="" asinina="" at="" both="" but="" combination.="" combination="" constant="" creeping="" developed="" difference="" different="" eggs="" every="" faster="" found="" from="" frtilized="" h.="" hatched="" hatching="" higher="" highest="" in="" incubated="" incubating="" kept="" larvae="" level="" lower="" mean="" minutes="" newly="" not="" o="" oc="" of="" only="" ppt.="" ppt="" ranged="" rate="" reared="" salinities="" salinity="" same="" significant="" significantly-slower="" significantly="" size="" sizes="" stage="" stocked="" survival="" temperature.="" temperature="" than="" that="" the="" there="" those="" thre="" time="" to="" treatments="" trochopore="" trochpore="" um="" until="" was="" were="" when="" with="" x="">0.05). The larvae kept at temperature 26oC both at salinity 30 ppt and 35 ppt had the biggest size, with the mean of 283.3 +- 12.9 X 166.67 +_ 25.8 um and 283.93 +_ 12.1 X 217.23 +_ 8.01 UM, respectively. The larvae kept at 29o C were bigger...- Algae


2. Arifin, Syamsul. The effect of varying levels of salinity and organic matter on the growth and composition of lab-lab. March 1984. 112 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 A75)- A 45-day culture of lab-lab to determine its growth and composition in 44 levels of salinity (S1 = 0 ppt, S2 = 10 ppt, S3 = 20 ppt and S4 = 30 ppt) and two levels of organic matter (OM1 =5- and OM2 = 10-) was conducted using experimental plots (1 x 1 x 0.4 m) at the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo. The study was conducted in the 4 x2 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replicates. The desired levels of organic matter were obtained by applying chicken manure and the salinity by mixing the fresh and brackishwater. Organic matter levels of the soil considerably affected the chemical properties of water and soil. Higher organic matter levels showed increase in available phosphorous, reactive phosphoroous and ammonia-nitrogen concentration, but a decrease in water and soil pH. Salinity did not generally affect the levels of ammonia, reactive phosphorous and the pH of soil. However, 0 ppt salinity had slightly higher water pH. The ash free dry weight of lab-lab was significantly higher in treatments with 5- organic matter than in treatments with 10 - organic matter. The growth of lab-lab at 0 ppt salinity was significantly lower than 10 ppt, 20 ppt and 30 ppt. For the entire culture period the correlation coefficients between ash free dry weight lab-lab and most soil and water properties monitored (ammonia-nitrogen, reactive phosphorus, available phosphorus, water pH, soil pH and total nitrogen)-were low. The reactive phosphorus showed high concentration during 1st to 3rd weeks, and water pH during the 5th to 7th weeks. Generally, total primary productivity, as reflected by dissolved oxygen, was evidently high in treatments with 5- organic matter content. The levels of significance using Duncan's multiple range test showed irregular trends with time. The dominant biota fund in lab-lab were Chlorella and Synedra for the plant, and Ciliata, Flagellata and Branchiopoda for the animal.


3. Bantillo, Rosario Rubin. The effects of different salinity and organic matter levels on the growth of blue-green algae. March 1983. 117 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1983 F5 B358)-A one-month culture of lab-lab to determine the growth of blue-green algae in three levels of salinity (15 ppt = S1, 30 ppt = S2, and 45 ppt = S3) and two levels of organic matter (3.4 to 4.4- + OM1 and 6.5 to 7.8 - = OM2) was conducted using a twenty-two plastic containers (diameter = 43 cm, height = 49 cm) at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo. The study utilized a 3x2 factorial experiment in completely randomized design with three replicates. Organic matter levels of the soil affected the chemical properties of soil and water (available phosphorous, reactive phosphorous, ammonia-nitrogen and pH). The higher the organic matter level, the higher the pH and the concentrations of ammonia and phosphorous. On the other hand, salinity did not apparently affect the fluctuations in ammonia, phosphorous and pH due to water replenishment to maintain treatment levels of salinity. Earlier rapid growth of blue-green algae commencing on the 3rd to the 15th day was observed at higher organic matter level. While at lower organic matter level, this occurred only on the 18th to the 28th day. Blue-green algae population (units/ml) was observed highest in treatment IV (S1 OM2; 1,262,113) followed by treatments III(S3 OM1; 761,338);II (S2OM1; 514,788); I (S1 OM1; 494,375); V (S2 OM2; 413,750); and the lowest was obtained from treatment VI (S3 OM2; 394,275). The relative percentage proportion of blue-green algae in lab-lab complex showed that it composed 17.7- in treatment IV, 16.86- in treatment III, 16.64- in treatment I-I, 15.82- in treatment I, 15.2- in treatment V and 14.9- in treatment VI. These, however, did not significantly vary among the treatments. A low correlation coefficient (r) between population count and the selected parameters: reactive phosphorous, water pH, soil pH and available phosphorous was obtained while a negative correlation was obtained between the population and ammonia-nitrogen. Significantly higher biomass (ash-free dry weight) of lab-lab was obtained in higher organic matter (OM2) and at 45 ppt salinity (S3). The highest biomass (ash-free dry weight) was obtained in treatment VI (S3OM2; 0.160 g/cm2) while the lowest was obtained in treatment I (S1OM1; 0.012 g/cm2). The algal count was obtained in treatment V (S2OM2; 6,773,542 units/ml) and the lowest count was obtained in treatment II (S2OM1; 2,328,792 units/ml). However, the primary productivity based on O2 production showed a significantly higher production in the lower organic matter and at higher salinity level (30 ppt). The highest O2 concentration was obtained in treatment III (S3OM1; 5.759 ppm) and the lowest was obtained in treatment V (S2OM2; 4.19 ppm).-


4. Jumalon, Nephronia A. Selection and application of a suitable sampling method for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Lab-lab. October 1979. 122 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 J86). Variations in the quantity and quality of lab-lab between and within areas of a 1,000 sq.m. pond were determined over a six month period and the applicability and suitability of stratified random sampling as a method of sampling lab-lab was evaluated. A sampler that enables quantitative collection of both floating and attached lab-lab was devised. Ash-free dry weight, count of organisms, plant pigment concentration and caloric content were used as a measure of lab-lab quantity while ash, protein, lipid and cellulose content were used as a measure of lab-lab quality. Soil differences between strata did not always affect the quality or quantity of lab-lab so that pond stratification is not necessary when sampling lab-lab except perhaps, when soil differences are extremely great. Accumulation of floating lab-lab on one side of the pond as an effect of the wind may cause complications in sampling. Removal of these accumulated lab-lab is found advantageous. Except for lipid content, marked differences in quantity and quality is observed between floating and attached lab-lab. Floating lab-lab shows a much lower degree of degradation and has a significantly higher number of organisms, chlorophyll a concentration,caloric content, protein and cellulose content than atached lab-lab, which are associated with its lower ash content. Of the four methods used to quantify lab-lab, ash-free dry weight analysis is found to be the most suitable in terms of efficiency, consistency of results and applicability -while ash analysis and protein analysis appear to be the most suitable methods for qualitative evaluation of lab-lab.- Bacteria


5. Leaño, Eduardo Malibiran. Siderophore and extracellular products (ECP) detection among aeromonas hydrophila and other associated bacteria in The Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS). August 1993. 73 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas-Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG993.5 1993 F5 L4). Twenty (20) Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS)- associated bacteria consisting of 16 isolates of aeromonas hydrophila and one isolate each of A. pastoria sp.n., Aquaspirillum sp. Pseudomonas sp., and Sterptococcus sp. were screened for virulence, production of siderophore at 20, 25, 30 and 37 oC, and production of extracellular products (ECP). Results showed that all A. hydrophila isolates and a. pastoria sp.n. were virulent to test catfish (Clarias batrachus). Pseudomonas sp., Sterptococcus sp. and Aquaspirillum sp. were avirulent. Fifty percent of A. hydrophila isolates were positive for siderophore production at 25oC. Aeromonas pastoria sp.n.Aquaspirillum sp, and Pseudomonas sp. also showed positive response whereas Streptococcus sp. showed negative respnse. An increase in the amount of siderophore produced and the percentage of siderophore-producing A. hydrophila was observed at 20 oC. The same trend was observed for A. pastoria sp. n. In contrast, Aquaspirillum sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Streptococcus sp., showed an increase in siderophore production at temperatures 30 and 37oC. On ECP production, only 43.75 - of the A. hydrophila test isolates produced ECP that induced dermonecrotic lesions on test catfish. Aeromonas pastoria sp. n. also produced ECP whereas Aquaspirillum sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Streptococcus sp. were negative for ECP production. No correlation on siderophore and ECP production with virulence of the test bacterial isolates were observed.- Carps 6. Legiralde, Maria Theresa Trono-The effects of dietary carbohydrate, lipid and energy on the growth, feed efficiency and tissue composition of bighead carp (Aristichthys Nobilis) fry. March 1990. 37 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1990 F5 T76) The utilization of dietary carbohydrate and lipid as energy sources for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) fry and various protein : energy ratios were investigated in a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial feeding experiment. Semi-purified diets containing two-protein levels (28.9 and 37 -) and three levels of lipid (4.26, 5.93 and 6.95 -) and carbohydrate (42, 48, and 53 -) to give different total energy levels were fed to bighead carp fry (0.0485 +-0.0035 g) for 8 weeks. Growth of fry fed higher dietary protein level (37 -) was significantly high (P<0 -="" .01="" 107="" 1996.="" 1996="" 3130="" 3470="" 37="" 4.26="" 42="" 4="" 6.4980="" 69="" 7.="" 92="" after="" all="" and="" antonieta="" approximately="" april="" artemia="" artificial="" as="" ash="" better="" bighead="" both="" carbohydrate.="" carbohydrate="" carp="" catfish="" cfosl-serials="" clarias="" cm="" compare="" components="" conducted="" containing="" conversion="" d84="" d="" decreased="" died="" diet="" dietary="" diets="" differences="" duller-comparison="" effects="" efficiency="" efficient="" energy="" evaluate="" evangelista="" f5="" fed="" feed="" feeding.="" feeding="" first="" fish="" fisheries-u.="" food="" for="" fry.-="" fry="" g="" growth.="" growth="" high="" highest="" however="" ietary="" iloilo.="" in="" inclusion="" increase="" increased="" inthe="" inversely="" kcal.="" kcal="" kg="" larvae.="" larvae="" larval="" leaves.="" level="" levels="" lipid.="" lipid="" live="" location:="" low="" macrocephalus="" macrocopa="" maximum="" med="" metabolizable="" mg="" miag-ao="" moina="" moisture="" needs.="" no="" of="" on="" organisms="" other="" p.="" p:e="" perfor="" produced="" protein="" rates="" ratio.="" ratio="" rearing="" related="" second="" selected="" significant="" significantly="" sp.="" sp="" spare="" survival="" t.="" tested="" the="" there="" thesis-m.s.="" tissue="" to="" treatments.="" trial="" trials="" tubifex="" two="" unther="" utilization="" visayas.="" was="" weeks="" were="" with="">0.01) in weight gain of the larvae fed Tubifex sp. (3.8628 g), Artemia sp. (3.7193 g), M. macrocopa (3.7156 g) and Chironomus sp. (3.6572g). Weight gain attained by fish fed artificial diet was 2.8565g and that fed with Brachionus calyciflorus attained 2.9202 g after 4 weeks. Length increment was significantly high (P<0 -="" .01="" 2.1673cm="" 2="" 74.06="" 79.37="" 82.03="" all="" and="" artemia="" artificial="" b.="" both="" by="" calyciflorus="" chironomus="" closely="" cm="" combined="" compared="" diet="" differences="" fed="" feeding="" fish="" followed="" g="" gain="" growth="" had="" highest="" however="" in="" increment="" larvae.="" larvae="" length="" low.="" low="" m.="" macrocopa="" no="" obtained="" of="" other="" rates="" respectively="" results="" showed="" significant="" significantly="" sp.="" survival.="" survival="" that="" the="" treatments="" trials="" tubifex-fed="" tubifex="" was="" weight="" with="">0.01) was observed in larvae fed Moina (3.5225 g, 2.2011 cm and 82.62-; respectively) and Artemia (3.5882 g, 1.8974cm and 74.53- respectively).-


8. Nacisvalencia, Rosemary Gonzales-Nursery rearing of Asian catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) in tanks with organic fertilizer and feed inputs. October 1998. 88 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries. U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1998 F5 N3) Fifteen-day old Clarias macrocephalus fry with an initial body weight of 32.9 +- 21.73 mg and total length of 1.41 +-0.31 cm were reared in mud overlaid bottom concrete tanks either with organic fertilizer (3 mt/ha and 4.5 mt/ha) and inorganic fertilizer (16-20-0 ) at a rate of 50 kg/ha or combined organic fertilizer (3mt/ha),inorganic fertilizer (16-20-0) and supplemental feed for 60 days. Subsequent fertilization with organic fertilizer was applied at 500 kg/ha for Treatment I and 3 (applied with 3mt/ha chicken manure) and 750 kg/ha for Treatment II (applied with 4.5 mt/ha chicken manure) every 15 days. Production indices such as mean final body weight (15.67 +-6.69 g), specific growth arte (10.23 - +-0.615 per day) and condition factor (0.991 +-0.26) were significantly higher (P<0 -100="" -="" -u.="" .05="" 0.5="" 0.9="" 0="" 1.5="" 1.6="" 10.="" 100="" 100ug="" 10="" 11.="" 12.="" 12="" 13="" 16-20-0="" 1758="" 1980.="" 1980="" 1992.="" 1993.="" 1993="" 1999.="" 1999="" 1="" 2.4="" 2.55="" 2.5="" 200="" 20="" 24="" 25-50="" 25="" 26="" 286-572="" 2="" 3.2="" 3.8="" 3="" 4-8="" 46="" 48="" 5-3="" 5.0="" 5.2="" 5.4="" 5.84="" 50.0="" 50="" 5="" 6.0="" 62="" 65="" 6="" 7="" 80.90="" 80="" 9.="" a="" about="" absence="" absent="" abundance="" acartia="" according="" acombination="" adult="" adults="" affected="" aforementioned="" after="" aliquot="" aliquots="" all="" alone="" also="" although="" ammonia="" among="" amounts="" an="" analogue="" analysis="" analyzed="" and="" anodontia="" application="" applied="" approximately="" april="" are="" area="" artificial="" artio="" as="" ash="" asian="" asignificantly="" at="" attained="" bacteria.="" bacteria="" bacterial="" bacteriocytes.="" basal="" basins="" be="" becomes="" being="" best="" between="" bigger="" bivalve="" both="" brackishwater="" bran="" brgy.="" but="" bw="" by="" c.="" c="" calanoid="" can="" capable="" carbon.="" carbon="" carcasses="" cartia="" catfish="" cayetano-rearing="" cells="" cfosl-serials-this="" cfosl-serials="" chemoatotrophy="" chicken="" chlorella="" chlorophyll="" clam-bacteria="" clam="" clams="" clarias="" collected="" colonies="" colony.="" colorless="" combination="" combinations="" compared="" concentration="" concentrations="" condition-april="" condition="" conducted="" confined="" considered="" consistently="" containers="" containing="" content="" contrast="" copepod="" copepodites="" copepods="" count="" cream="" crude="" culture="" cultured="" d87="" daily="" data="" day-1="" days.="" days="" decreased="" decreasing="" demonstrated="" densities="" density="" dependent="" determined.="" detritus="" developmental="" did="" differ="" different="" digestive="" diluted="" dissection="" distribution="" do="" dom="" domperidone.="" domperidone="" dry="" duray="" during="" edentula="" effect="" effective="" effectivity="" egg.="" egg="" eggs="" either="" electron="" elemental="" elongata.-="" elongata.="" elongata="" especially="" establish="" estancia="" evaluated="" examined="" experiment="" experiments="" extracted="" f5="" fat="" fed="" feed="" feeding="" females.="" fermented="" fertilization="" fertilized="" fertilizer="" fertilizing="" final="" finding="" fingerlings="" fish="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries="" fixed="" followed="" following="" food.="" food="" foot="" for="" forty="" found="" four="" frequency="" from="" furthermore="" fw="" g="" gallon="" garm-negative="" gill="" gills.="" gills="" given="" gonadrotropin-releasing="" grown="" grows="" gut="" h="" had="" hand="" harpaticoid="" hatched="" hatching="" have="" hazel="" high="" higher="" highest="" highly="" histological="" hormone="" i="" ice="" if="" iloilo.="" iloilo="" important="" in="" increasing="" indicated="" indicating="" individuals="" initial="" injected="" injection="" inne="" inseminated.="" inseminated="" insemination="" intramuscular="" inverse="" investigated="" is="" isolates.="" isotope="" istu="" it="" jocson="" junemie="" juvenile="" l4="" laboratory="" larvae="" larval="" later="" latter.="" leaves.="" lebata="" leonida-bacteria="" less="" limited="" linked="" liters="" location:="" lower="" lucinids="" m.="" ma.="" macrocephalus="" maintained="" male="" males="" mangrove="" mangroves="" mantle="" manure="" mass="" maximized="" may="" mean="" means="" measured="" method="" miag-ao="" microbiota="" microscopic="" microscopy="" million="" milt-to-egg="" milt.-="" milt.="" milt="" ml-1.="" ml-1="" mm="" moisture="" more="" moreover="" morphology="" most="" mud="" nacl="" negative="" newly="" no="" nor="" not="" number="" observation.="" observations="" observed="" obtain="" october="" od="" of="" on="" one="" ones="" only.="" only="" optimum="" or="" organic="" organs="" other="" ovaprim="" ovulated="" p.-milt-to-egg="" p.="" p="" paralleled="" peak="" peaked="" photosynthetically.-="" plankton="" plastic="" plates="" played="" pond="" ponds="" pooled="" population="" possibility="" post-injection="" practical="" presence="" produce="" production="" protein="" quantities="" quantity="" raised="" rates="" ratio="" ratios="" reached="" readings="" reared="" rearing="" relationship="" reproduction="" reshwater="" results="" revealed="" rice-bran="" rice="" rod="" role="" roque="" salmon="" same="" samples="" san="" scanning="" seawater="" sections="" sediment="" sem="" sfter="" sgnrha="" shaped.="" showed="" shown="" shows="" sigma13c="" significant="" significantly="" simple="" single="" situ="" size.="" size="" sizes="" sl="" smaller="" solely="" soluble="" source.="" source="" sp.="" species.="" species="" sperm="" spermatozoa="" spherical="" spp.="" stable="" stage="" steady="" stimulating="" stocked="" stocking.="" stored="" strongly="" study="" substrate="" suggesting="" sulfur="" sulphide.="" suppleemntal="" supplemental="" supporting="" supports="" survival="" symbionts.="" symbionts="" symbiosis="" system="" t3="" tambasen="" tanks="" techniques.="" techniques="" teresita="" than="" that="" the="" their="" therefore="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" this="" those="" three="" through="" thus="" tisbintra="" tissue="" tissues.="" tissues="" to="" took="" total="" treated="" treatment="" treatments.-="" treatments.="" treatments:="" twelve="" type="" ug="" ul.="" ul="" umoles="" under="" unlike="" unther="" untreated="" use="" used="" using="" utilized="" variable="" various="" vary="" very="" victoria="" victoriano="" visayas-miag-ao="" visayas.="" volume="" volumes="" was="" water.="" water="" weeks="" weight="" well-defined="" were="" wet="" when="" where="" which="" while="" white="" with="" x="" xperiment="" yeast="" zooplankton="">0.05) indicating that this copepod is not selective on the quality of food, it can subsist on any microscopic food within its digestive capacity. However at 2.0 cm deep of water Acartia spp. was most abundant in the chicken manure treatment while in the 8.5 cm depth of water the density of Acartia spp. was highest in that fed with Chlorella but comparing both densities, chicken manure-fed copepods was dnsr. Population densities were related to food abundance. // Nauplii, coppodit and adult mal reached highest densities in the chicken manure  treatment of 23, 10, and 17 ind/ 1 respectively. Egg-bearing and non-egg bearing adult females were most abundant in the chicken manure + 16 - 20 - 0 treatment of 5, and 18 ind/1 respectively. Temperature and food abundance played a critical role (P<0 -.="" -="" -commercially="" -u.="" -was="" .01="" 0.3367g="" 0.71="" 0.75oc="" 0.79oc="" 1.16="" 1.29="" 1.30="" 1.57="" 1.5="" 1.7="" 100="" 10="" 111="" 11="" 120="" 12="" 13.37="" 13.="" 14.="" 14="" 15.="" 15="" 16.="" 1852="" 1992.="" 1992="" 1995="" 1997.="" 1997="" 1998.="" 1998="" 19="" 1="" 1v="" 2.23="" 2.29="" 2.59="" 2.75="" 2.80="" 2001.="" 2001="" 20="" 219="" 22="" 23.10="" 253="" 25="" 27.01="" 27.29="" 27.42.77="" 28.77="" 28.81="" 29.0="" 29.42="" 29.86="" 295="" 295g="" 2="" 3.58="" 30="" 33-34="" 336="" 35="" 39="" 3="" 40="" 46="" 497="" 4="" 5420="" 55="" 575="" 595g="" 5="" 60="" 6="" 70="" 8.52="" 8.5="" 8.60="" 80="" 8="" 91="" :="" a="" abdominal="" about="" acanthurids="" acartia="" after="" all="" also="" although="" among="" ana="" analysis="" analyzed="" and="" annd="" april="" are="" artemia="" as="" aspects="" at="" attached="" attained="" available="" average="" b.-effect="" battery="" beat="" beats="" belonids="" berried="" best="" biological="" body="" both="" bought="" brachionus="" broodstock="" but="" by="" c47="" caerulaurea="" caesio="" caesionids="" cages="" canal="" carapace="" catch="" cell="" central="" cephalopods="" cerezo="" cfosl-serials="" changed="" characteristics="" clupeids="" cobbles="" commercial="" commercially="" comparable="" compared="" comparison="" computations="" concrete="" conducted="" considered="" contributed="" control="" conversion="" copepod.-="" coral="" cost="" cpue="" crab="" crablets="" crabs="" ctopus="" cultured="" cylla="" daily.="" day.="" day="" days.="" days="" density="" describe="" detail="" determine="" detrmine="" development.="" development="" developments="" diameter="" did="" difference.treatment="" differences="" different="" differnt="" dissolved="" documented="" dominated="" drain="" drift="" drive-in="" during="" each="" economic="" effect="" effects="" egg="" eggs="" embryonic="" equivalent="" estimated="" eveness="" every="" evidenced="" exocoetids="" exploitation="" explotion="" extraction="" eye="" f5="" fat="" fattening="" favorable="" fed="" feed="" feeding="" female="" females="" final="" first="" fish="" fisher-1hr-1="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries.="" fisheries="" fishery.="" fishes.-="" fishes="" fishing.="" fishing="" flap="" fluctuation="" followed="" follows="" food="" for="" formation="" forskal="" four="" fringing="" from="" g="" gain="" gear="" gears="" gill="" give="" given="" gonad="" gonadosomatic="" greater="" growth="" guiobpatch="" had="" hatched="" hatchery="" hatching.="" have="" heart="" heartbeat="" heavier="" high="" higher="" highest="" honculada.="" hook="" hookah="" hours="" however="" hrs="" i="" ii="" iii.="" iii="" iled="" iloilo.="" immediately="" important="" in="" include="" income="" increase="" increased="" increment="" incubation="" ind="" index="" indicated="" indicators="" individuals="" influence="" installed="" intensive="" ipa="" is="" island="" it="" iv="" january="" june="" just="" juveniles.="" juveniles="" k85="" kg="" km-2yr-1.="" kuntiyo.="" laboratory="" landings="" larvae="" larval="" leaves.="" levels="" limits="" line="" local="" location:="" lowest.="" m3="" make="" malalison="" male="" market.="" materials="" matured="" may="" mean="" measuring="" megalopa="" megalopae="" mg="" miag-ao="" min:="" min="" mins.="" mins="" ml="" monitored="" morning.="" mortalities="" mortality="" mud="" nablag="" naturally="" nauplii="" necessarily="" net.="" net="" newly="" not="" nursed="" nursery="" nursing="" nylon="" o="" observed="" oc="" occurred="" oceanica="" october="" ody="" of="" old="" on="" one="" only="" ontrol="" or="" other="" oxygen="" p.="" p7="" p8="" parameters="" patch="" payback="" peaked="" pellet.="" pellet="" percentage="" period.="" period="" ph="" philippines.="" physical="" pleopod="" plicatilis="" pond-reared="" ponds="" population="" positive="" ppt.="" ppt="" prawn="" previous="" primavera="" prior="" produced="" production="" profitable="" protection="" pterocaesio="" pulses.="" pura="" raised="" ranged="" ranges="" rate="" rates.="" rates="" ratio="" recommended="" recruitment="" reef="" reefs="" relation="" report="" reproductive="" reralized="" respectively="" results="" return="" revealed="" ribbon="" ribbonscreen="" rolando="" salina="" salinity="" screen="" scylla="" seawater="" september="" serrata="" set="" shelter="" shingle="" shingles="" show="" showed="" significant="" significantly="" six="" sizes="" sp-this="" spawne="" spawned="" spawnend="" spawning.="" speargun="" species="" specific="" spp.="" statistical="" studied.="" studied="" studies="" study.="" study="" survival="" tank="" tanks.="" tempearture="" terms="" tessellata="" than="" that="" the="" them.="" there="" thesis-m.s.="" this="" three-fourths="" to="" tolerance="" tons="" total="" trash="" treatment.="" treatment="" treatments.="" treatments:="" treatments="" two="" types="" um.="" um="" up="" used.="" used="" variance="" varikul="" villaroya-embryonic="" visayas.="" was="" water="" weight="" well="" were="" west="" when="" which="" while="" width="" with="" within="" without="" x="" yasmin="" year="" years="" yield="" ylon="" z1="" zandro="" zoea-one="" zoeae="">0.01) different to 13.33- at 30 and 35 ppt. The larvae were able to tolerate salinity of 20 and 40 ppt with 5.0 and 1.67 - survival, respectively; ad significantly (P>0.01) different to 0- survival obtained at 15 ppt. Larval survival at 25 ppt was 10 -. This shows that the larvae can tolerate salinity of 25-35 ppt and can metamorphose to megalopa with a 10-31.67 - survival rate for 20 days. Highest mean mortality of the treatments was observed from zoea-one (Z1) to zoea-two(Z2). larval mortalities decreased toward the later stages of development. Besides osmotic and ionic stress, cannibalism and inefficiency to catch food at the earlier stage could be the cause of mortality. Further study is needed to exactly pinpoint the cause of mortality.-



17. Santos, Francisco F.-Effect of common table salt in improving the growth and survival of mud crab scylla oceanica DANA, 1852 from First ZOEA to megalopa stage. January 2000. 69 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2000 F5 S35 ) The study was conducted to determine the effect of adding common table salt(CTS) or solar dried seawater to the culture medium on the survival and growth of Scylla oceanica from first zoea (Z1) to megalopa (M) stage. The newly hatchedlarvae were cultured at six different treatments by adjusting the salinity of culture media to 35 ppt with the addition of varying amount of salt: Treat ment 1 (10ppt+29g/l CTS), Treatment II (15ppt+23g/l CTS), Treatment III (20ppt+17g/l CTS), Treatment IV (25ppt+11g/l CTS), Treatment V (30ppt+5g/l CTS), and Treatment VI (35ppt natural seawater, as control). Physiologically important ions like Na+, Cl-, Ca2+. K+, and Mg2+ were analyzed in each treatment. Treatment VI (control) gave the highest survival rate (26-), but it was notsignificantly different (P>0.05) from Treatment V (20-). Treatment V was significantly higher (P<0 -="" -a="" -determined="" -frequency="" -oxygen="" -p="" -significant="" -studies="" -thesis-m.s.="" -this="" -u.="" .05="" 0.01="" 0.04294="" 0.05="" 0.07="" 0.1-="" 0.100="" 0.10="" 0.110="" 0.11="" 0.14="" 0.18="" 0.1="" 0.20="" 0.30="" 0.40="" 0.50="" 0.80="" 0.87056="" 07="" 0:0="" 0:1="" 1-3="" 1-="" 1.02="" 1.0="" 1.11="" 1.2="" 1.37="" 1.45="" 1.47="" 1.5="" 1.60="" 1.8="" 1.="" 10.0-25.0="" 1000="" 100="" 10:1="" 10="" 115="" 11="" 12-48="" 123="" 129="" 12="" 13.0-27.0="" 134.6="" 144="" 1482="" 148="" 157="" 158="" 15="" 15th="" 16-20-0="" 165="" 179.1and="" 18.="" 183="" 187.0="" 18="" 19.="" 193.4="" 1965="" 197.36="" 1972.="" 1979="" 1980.="" 1981.="" 1981="" 1982.="" 1982="" 1983.="" 1983="" 1984.="" 1984="" 1985.="" 1985="" 1986-114="" 1986.="" 1986="" 1988.="" 1988="" 1989.="" 1989="" 1991.="" 1991="" 1992.="" 1992="" 1993="" 1994="" 1995-58-thesis-m.s.="" 1995.="" 1995="" 1997.="" 1997="" 1998.="" 1:0="" 1:1.6="" 1:10.="" 1:10="" 1:1="" 1:2.2="" 1:2="" 1:4="" 1:5.07="" 1="" 1m="" 2.0="" 2.230.="" 2.30="" 2.3="" 2.5="" 2.6852="" 2.9299="" 2.970="" 20.="" 2000="" 2001.="" 2001="" 205.10="" 20ppt="" 21.476="" 21.="" 21="" 22.="" 221.78="" 22="" 23.13-="" 23.="" 232.4="" 24.="" 248="" 25.44-="" 25.="" 259="" 25="" 26.="" 27.="" 27="" 28.6="" 28.="" 285="" 29.="" 298.9="" 29="" 2:1="" 2="" 3.0="" 3.77="" 30.="" 3000="" 300m2="" 304.2="" 30="" 31.="" 32.6="" 32.="" 33.="" 336="" 34.2="" 34.="" 34="" 35.="" 36.="" 37.="" 37oc.="" 37oc="" 38.2="" 38.="" 38="" 39.="" 39="" 3="" 4.0="" 4.17.="" 4.74="" 4.86="" 4.95="" 40-50="" 4000="" 40="" 41.497="" 421.97="" 42oc="" 431.95="" 474.8="" 47="" 49="" 4:1="" 4="" 5-="" 5.0-="" 5.0="" 5.5-6.5="" 500="" 50="" 51-b="" 51="" 53="" 544.4="" 5="" 5th="" 6.0="" 61="" 62="" 63="" 65="" 66="" 67.="" 69="" 6="" 7.0="" 7.5-26.0="" 700="" 73="" 75="" 783="" 78="" 7="" 80="" 82.611="" 87="" 89.58="" 8="" 9.="" 90-="" 90-day="" 91="" 97="" 98="" 9="" :="" a.-effect="" a.="" a3="" a53="" a5="" a="" about="" abrupt="" abundance="" abundant="" acceptability="" according="" acetate="" acetes="" acetic="" acid="" acidic="" acidity="" acids="" active="" acu="" added="" addition="" additional="" addtional="" adequate="" aerobic="" aerobis="" affect="" affected="" after="" against="" aimed="" al-phosphate="" al="" alcoholic="" alga.="" algae="" alie="" alkalinity="" all="" almost="" alone.="" alone="" along="" alower="" also="" although="" aluminum-phosphate="" aluminum="" amino-nitrogen="" ammonium="" amnure="" among="" amount="" amounts="" an="" ana="" anaerobically="" analyses="" analysis="" analyzed="" analyzing="" anchovy="" and="" andalecio="" andomized="" anlysis="" annual="" any="" apain="" appeared="" application.="" application="" applications="" applied-p="" applied="" applying="" appreciable="" april="" aquaculture="" arate="" arbitrary="" are="" area.="" area="" areas="" ariel.="" aroma="" arsius="" as="" ash-free="" ash="" asian="" aspects="" aspergillus="" assemblage="" assess="" assessd="" assessed="" assessment="" associated="" association="" asterionella="" at="" ater="" attained="" august="" availability="" available="" average="" aws="" b.-effect="" b32="" b35="" b="" babalola="" babuyan="" bacilli="" bacteria.="" bacterial="" bacteriastrum="" bacterin="" banga="" bantala="" base="" based="" batan="" bay-december="" bay-june="" bay.-="" bay.="" bay="" bays.="" be="" because="" become="" beef="" being="" believed="" belonged="" belonging="" ben="" benefit="" benthic="" ber.="" better="" between-gross="" between="" bilineatus="" biological="" biology="" biomass="" black="" blend="" block="" blocked="" blue-green="" body="" borg.="" both="" bottle.="" bottle="" bottom-set="" bottom="" boundaries="" brackishwater="" broadcast="" bromeli="" bromelin.-="" bromelin.="" bromelin="" buckets="" buguey="" built="" bulk="" burias="" burnt="" but="" by="" c.="" c84="" c="" ca-phosphate="" ca2-="" ca2="" ca="" cagayan="" calanasco="" calcium-phosphate="" calcium="" calculated="" can="" canalicalatus="" canaliculatus="" candida="" capacity="" capiz="" carangidae="" carbohydrate="" cases="" casing.="" casing="" catch="" catches="" catching="" categorization="" caught="" center="" central="" cephalopoda="" ceratium="" cfosl-serials-the="" cfosl-serials="" cfu="" chaetoceros="" challenge="" chamber.="" change="" changes="" channel="" characteristic="" characterize="" characterized="" chemical="" chicken="" chilled="" chilling="" chloride="" chorrizo-like="" chromatography="" circumvent="" citratus="" city.="" city="" cladosporium="" classes="" closely="" closeness="" cluster="" cm="" co-dominated="" coastal="" cocentations="" codend="" coefficient="" coefficients="" collected="" collection="" college="" color="" combination="" combining="" commercial="" commercially="" commersonii.="" commersonii="" common="" commonly="" comparable="" comparatively="" compare="" compared="" comparing="" comparison="" compensate="" complete="" completely="" component.="" components="" composition="" comprising="" concentrated="" concentration="" concentrations="" conditions="" conducted="" conductivities="" conductivity="" conncentrations="" consequences="" considerable="" consist="" consisted="" constructed="" consumer="" contained="" content.="" content="" contents.="" contents="" contributed="" contrl.="" control.="" control="" conventional="" cooked="" copopods="" coria="" cornelio-a="" corral.="" corral="" corrals="" correlated="" correlation="" correspondingly="" cost="" cotber="" could="" counting="" counts.="" counts="" coupled="" cow="" crab="" crabs="" create="" crispino="" croaker="" crude="" crustaceans="" cruz="" cts="" culasing="" culture="" cultured="" curve="" curves="" cynoglossus="" cynoglssus="" d.="" d.o.="" d45="" d="" daily="" dammang="" dark="" data="" dates.-traditional="" dates="" day="" days="" de="" decades="" december="" decomposed="" decrease="" decreased="" dela="" demersal="" density="" depth="" deregulate="" derived="" describe="" described="" description="" design.="" design="" desirable="" detailed="" detected="" determination="" determine="" determined.="" determined="" developed="" diatoms="" did="" diel="" diet="" diets="" diferences="" difference="" differences="" different.="" different="" differnce="" diffusion="" dike="" diluted="" dilution="" dinoflagellates="" direction="" directly="" discussed.-="" discussed.="" discussion="" dissolved="" distributed="" distribution="" distributions="" ditylium="" diversity="" djeddensis="" does="" dominant="" dominated="" done="" dosage="" dried="" dropped="" dry="" drying="" due="" dulce="" dupliciocellatus.="" duration="" during="" dynamics="" e.-comparison="" e.g.="" e86="" e="" each="" earlier="" earthen="" eastern="" ecember="" edible="" effect="" effective="" effectiveness="" effects="" efficiency="" efficient="" effoert="" effort.="" effort="" eight-month="" eight="" eigth="" elefan="" elements="" elevated="" eleven="" emphasis="" en="" enclosures="" enforce="" ensis:="" ensis="" entering="" environment="" environmental="" enzyme="" enzymes.="" enzymes="" equulus="" espejo="" established="" establishment="" estancia="" estimate="" estimated.="" estimated="" estimates="" estimating="" estimation="" estuary.="" estuary="" etapenaeus="" ethanolic="" etween="" eucampia="" evaluate="" evaluated="" evaluation="" evenness="" every="" examined="" except="" exchangeable="" exhibit="" exhibited="" exists="" experiment="" experimental="" experiments="" explaining="" explanation="" exploitation="" exploited="" explroed="" expressed="" extracted="" f5="" f="" factors="" faily="" families.="" families="" family="" faster="" fatty="" favored="" favourable="" fe-phosphate="" fe="" february="" female="" ferment="" fermentation.="" fermentation="" fermented="" fermenting="" ferments="" ferrtilzer="" fertilex="" fertilization="" fertilizer="" fertilizers="" fertlizer="" fiah="" fifth="" filamentosus.="" filamentosus="" fillets="" filomena="" final="" fingerlings="" finished="" first="" fish="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries="" fishery.="" fishery="" fishes="" fishing="" fishpond="" fishponds.="" fishponds="" five="" fixation="" fixed="" flatfishes="" flavolineatus="" flavor="" flora="" flushing.="" flushing="" followed="" following="" follows:="" food="" foodfish="" for="" forms="" found="" four="" fractions="" free="" frequency="" frequent="" frequently="" from="" fronting="" frrom="" fulviflamma.="" fulviflamma="" fungi="" further="" g.="" g8="" g="" gae="" gain="" gains="" gas="" gave="" gears="" genera="" general="" generally="" gerres="" gi="" gill="" give="" given.="" given="" glutinous="" gonadal="" good.-="" good="" governed="" grams.="" grass="" greater="" green="" grew="" gross="" ground="" grounds="" group0="" groups.="" groups="" growing="" growth.-="" growth="" grwing="" guiuan="" gulf.="" gulf="" guttatus="" h.="" h47="" ha="" habitat="" habitats="" habits.="" habits="" had="" hamjaraja="" hardness="" harvest="" harveyi.="" harveyi="" has="" hastening="" hatchery="" have="" having="" he="" heaviest="" heavy="" hechanova="" hectare="" hermes="" hermosa="" high="" higher="" highest="" highly="" historical="" hour="" hours="" howeer="" however.="" however="" hulls="" hybrid="" hydrolysis="" i.="" i.e.="" i="" identical="" identified.="" identified="" identify="" ie.="" if="" ii.="" ii="" iii.="" iii="" iloilo-may="" iloilo.="" iloilo="" immersion="" importance="" important="" importantions="" improved="" improving="" in="" included="" increase="" increased="" increasing="" incubated="" incubation="" index="" indicate="" indicated="" indicates="" indicus:="" indicus="" indigenous="" individuals="" inefficient="" infection.="" infection="" inferior="" influenced="" informations="" inner="" inorganic-p="" inorganic="" instead="" interaction="" interval="" intestine="" intreatments="" invertebrates.="" invertebrates="" inverted="" investigate="" investigated.="" investigated="" ions="" iron-phosphate="" iron="" irregular="" is="" iso-butyric="" iso-valeric="" isolated="" isometric="" isovaleric="" isrecorded="" it.="" it="" items="" its="" iv.="" iv="" ix="" iza="" j.-chemical="" january="" jarbua="" jasmin="" javanicus="" jennie="" juice.="" juice="" julius.="" july="" june="" k-="" k="" katamaran="" kg="" km2="" known="" kruskal-wallis="" l.="" l33="" l38="" l="" la="" lab-lab="" laboratory="" labs.="" labs="" lack="" lactic="" lactobacilli="" lad-lab="" ladja="" lagatik-pinamucan="" langkuas="" largely="" larger="" larvae.-="" larvae.="" larvae="" larval="" last="" latex="" latfishes="" laureta="" layers="" lea="" leached="" leaching.="" leaching="" leading="" least="" leaves.="" leaves="" leganes="" leiognathidae="" leiognathus="" lemon="" length-frequency="" length-weight="" length="" lengths="" less="" lesser-weight="" level.-="" level.="" level="" levels="" leyte="" lg995="" liberato="" light="" lime="" limed="" liming.="" liming="" linearly="" linking="" liter="" live="" living="" liza="" load="" location:="" log6="" log="" loilo.="" los="" low="" lower="" lowest="" lowsaline="" luminescent="" lumut="" lutjanidae="" lutjanusfulviflama="" m.-application="" m.="" m2="" m36="" m="" ma.="" magnesium="" magnitude="" maguidanao="" main="" maintained="" major="" majority="" malaubang="" malayanus="" male="" mamhot="" manganese="" manufacture.="" manufacture:="" manufacture="" manure.="" manure:="" manure="" manureand="" manured="" manures="" maquilao="" march="" marfon="" margarita="" mario="" market="" matapenaeus="" mater="" materials.="" materials="" matter="" maturity="" may.="" may="" mean="" means="" measured="" measurement="" measures="" measuring="" mechanism="" media="" medium="" megalopa="" megalopae="" melannie.="" merguiensis="" merlina="" mesh="" metamorphosed="" metamorphosis="" metapenaeus="" meteorologic="" meter="" method="" methods.="" methods="" mfc="" mg2-="" mg2="" mg="" miag-ao="" microaerophilic="" microbial="" microbiological="" microorganism="" microorganisms="" microscope="" miguel="" milkfish.="" milkfish="" mindanao.="" mixture="" mixtures.="" mixtures="" model="" modified.="" modified="" moisture="" mold="" molds="" mono="" monsoon="" month="" monthly="" months="" more="" morphometric="" mortalities="" mortality.-="" mortality.="" mortality="" mossambica="" mossambicus="" most="" much="" mucor="" mulleri="" mullidae.="" mullidae="" mulloides="" murrel="" n.="" n38="" n:p="" n="" named="" namely="" nansen="" nathaniel.="" native="" natural="" navaluna="" necessary="" needed="" negative="" negatively="" net.="" net="" netting="" neurospora="" neuston="" neutral="" neutralizing="" nevertheless="" newly="" nh3-nitrgen="" niloticus="" nine-month="" nine="" nitrate.="" nitrite="" nitrogen.="" nitrogen="" nitzschia="" no="" noli="" non="" none="" nonparametric="" north="" northwest="" not="" noted.="" noted="" notes.="" notes="" november="" nuetral="" number="" numbers.="" numbers="" o.1="" o.="" o="" oaf="" objective="" observations="" observed.="" observed="" obtained.="" obtained="" oc="" occured="" occurence="" occurred="" occurring="" oceanica="" october="" octopus="" odor="" of="" offer="" offered="" old="" ollege="" olsen="" on="" once="" one="" only="" ophthalmonema="" optimum="" or="" organic="" organisms="" originate="" other="" others.="" others="" otolithes="" over-all="" over="" overall="" overfished.-="" overlapping="" overlying="" oxygen="" oxyurichthys="" ozamiz="" p-use="" p.="" p3="" p="" packed="" pangos="" panguil="" papain="" papaya="" paper="" parameter="" parameters.="" parameters="" pardachirus="" parson="" part="" particular="" particularly="" partly="" pass="" pathogenicity="" patial="" patterns="" pauly="" pavoninus="" pc="" peak="" pelagicus.="" pelagicus="" penaeus="" penaieds="" penicillium.="" penicillium="" pepper="" per="" percent.="" percent="" percentage="" performed="" peridinium="" period.="" period="" periods="" persisted="" pertaining="" ph.="" ph="" phicephalus="" philippines.="" philippines.october="" philippines="" phosphate-use="" phosphate.="" phosphate="" phosphates="" phosphorous="" phosphorus.="" phosphorus="" phsphate="" phsphorous="" physical="" physico-chemical="" physiologically="" phytoplankton="" pig="" pile="" pineapple="" plankton="" plant="" plastic="" platform="" pleasant="" pleurosigma="" plotosidae="" poernomo-reclamation="" polypeptide="" pond.="" pond="" ponds.="" ponds="" poor="" population="" pork="" portonus="" positive="" positivelycorrelated="" post="" potassium="" potential="" ppm="" ppt="" practice="" prduction.="" pre-pilot="" preference="" prefermented="" preparation="" preparations="" prepared="" presence="" present="" presented.="" presented="" presents="" prevailing="" prey.="" prey="" preyed="" primary="" principal="" probability.="" probability="" probably="" problems="" process.="" prodcut="" produced="" product="" production.-="" production.="" production="" productive="" productivity.-="" productivity="" products.="" products="" profiles="" profiling="" profitable="" program="" proliferated="" properties.="" properties="" proposed="" proteases="" protection="" protein="" proteolytic="" provide="" pseudo="" pseudorhombus="" puncticeps="" pyritic="" qualities="" quality="" quantitative="" quantities="" quantity="" r.-depth-distribution="" r.-the="" r="0.19" ragay="" rainfall="" rains="" raise="" randomized="" range="" ranged="" ranging="" rate="" rates="" ratio="" ratios:="" ratios="" re-lated="" reached="" reactive="" reared="" rearing="" reatment="" received="" reclaimed="" reclamation="" recommended="" recorded="" recruitment="" recruits="" red="" reduce="" reduction="" regard="" regardless="" regards="" regulated="" related="" relation="" relationship="" relationships="" relative="" relatively="" relayson-guerra="" reliable="" relies="" remain="" removing="" repeated="" replicates.="" replicates="" rerd="" resembled="" resources="" respect="" respectively.-="" respectively.="" respectively="" response="" result.="" resulted="" resulting="" results.="" results="" return="" revealed="" reversing="" reyes="" rhisozolenia="" rice="" richness="" rivers="" robles.="" rodrigo="" romarate-keeping="" romeo="" room="" rosc.="" rotifers="" ruber="" s.="" s23="" s24="" s29="" s69="" s="" saccharified="" saccharomyses.-="" saccharomyses="" saclauso="" salahuddin.="" salinity.-="" salinity="" salt="" samar="" sambilay="" same="" sample.="" sample="" sampled="" sampler="" samples="" sampling="" san="" sapian="" sardinella="" sauce.="" sauce="" sauces="" saupi="" saurida="" sausage="" scale.-="" scale="" schemes="" scores="" scylla="" sea.="" sea="" seasonal="" seasonality="" seawater.="" seawater="" second="" sector="" sedgewick-rafter="" seemed="" selected="" selection="" sensory="" septem="" september.="" september="" series="" serrata="" set.="" setnet-caught="" setnet="" sex="" shark="" shelf-life="" shelflife="" short-lived="" short="" show="" showed="" shown="" shows="" shrimps="" siganidae="" siganus="" signficantly="" significant.="" significant="" significantly.="" significantly="" similar="" since="" sites="" sixty-five="" size-groups="" size="" sizes="" slightly-lower="" slightly="" small="" smoked="" sodium="" soil-water="" soil.-="" soil.="" soil="" soils.="" soils="" soluble="" solution="" some="" sour="" southeast="" southeastern="" southwest="" sovyanhadi="" sp.="" spatial="" species-may="" species.="" species="" specifically="" spices="" spoilage="" spp.="" squid.="" sta.="" stability="" stable="" stage.="" stage="" stages.="" stages="" standing="" staphylococci="" starter="" state="" stations="" statistical="" still="" stimates="" stock="" stocked="" stocks="" stolephorus="" stomach="" storage="" stored="" streptococci="" striatus="" strickland="" strong="" strongly="" studied.="" studied="" studies="" study.="" study="" submerged="" subsequently="" subviridis="" such="" sufficient="" suggested="" suggests="" sulate="" sulfate.="" sulfate="" sulfates="" sulphate="" sulphureus="" superior="" superphosphate="" supported="" surface="" surirella="" surveyed="" surveys="" survival.="" survival="" survivalartes="" survived="" susceptible="" sweet="" synaptura="" synapturazebra.="" synthetic="" system="" t57="" t="" ta="" table="" tage="" tangub="" tapa.="" tapai="" tapay="" taxonomy="" teated="" teatments="" tempearture="" temperature.="" temperature="" temperatures="" ten="" term="" terms="" test="" tested.="" tested="" tests.="" tests="" tfc="" than="" that-the="" that="" the="" thefishery="" their="" theirconcentrations="" them="" therapon="" there="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" thetraditional="" they="" thirty="" this="" those="" three="" throughout="" thus="" ticao="" tiger-toothed="" tilage="" tilapia.="" tilapia="" tilled="" tilling="" time.="" time="" tinapayan.="" tinapayan="" tirtoredjo="" titrable="" to="" ton="" tons="" torre.="" total-p="" total="" toxic="" tr-eatment="" trace="" traditional="" traditionaland="" trammel="" tratment="" trawl="" trawlers.-="" trawlers="" treated="" treatment.="" treatment="" treatmentii="" treatmentiii="" treatments.="" treatments="" trend="" tributaries.="" tributaries="" trichiuridae="" trip="" tropical="" twelve="" twenty="" twice="" two-week="" two="" type="" types="" typical="" u.="" uly="" um="" umay="" under="" undergoes="" undertaken="" uniform="" unit="" units="" university="" unreclaimed="" until="" unvaccinated="" up="" upeneus="" upper-river="" upv="" urcuma="" use="" used="" using="" utilized="" utilizing="" v.-effects="" v="" vaccinated="" vaccination.="" vaccination="" vaious="" validity="" valuable="" value.-="" value="" values-of="" values.="" values="" variability="" variable="" variables.-="" variables="" variance="" varied="" various="" velocity="" ven="" vi="" vibrio="" victor="" view="" vii="" viii="" villages="" visayas-miagao="" visayas.="" visayas="" volatile="" volume="" w="" walkley="" was="" water.-="" water.="" water="" waters.="" waters="" week="" weekly="" weeks="" weight="" weights="" well.="" well="" were:="" were="" werre="" wet="" when="" whether="" which="" while="" widespread="" wind="" with="" within="" without="" x="" xerophilic="" y="-216.3" year="" yeast="" yeasts="" yield="" yielded="" yields="" ymbopogon="" ynchobatus="" yoedono-phosphate="" ysi="" z34="" z="" zafran="" zodoaria="" zoea-2="" zoea-5="" zoea="" zoeal-1="" zoeal="" zones.="" zooplankton.="" zooplankton="">0.05) in their diets between length groups (<22 and="">22cm) and between sex. Synaptura mulleri had the most varied prey composition (highest diversity Hand widest resource breadth B) of all flatfishes examined. Seven principal prey types were important (IRI>100) in the diets of S. mulleri thus, the high B value but low dominance d value. Index of Similarity (S) and Hierarchial Cluster Analysis were used to measure dietary development overlap between flatfish species. Diet oerlap based on the number of cmmon prey were high between P. arsius and P. malayanus (S=0.74), between P. malayanus and S. mulleri (S=0.65) and between P. malayanus and S. zebra (S=0.65). Similarity of diet was moderate between S. mulleri and S. zebra (S=0.60) and between P. arsius and S. mulleri (S=0.58). Synaptura mulleri consumed the most number of prey. Hierarchial cluster analysis shows that P. arsius, P. malayanus, S. mulleri and S. zebra are grouped together while P. javanicus, C.bilineatus and C. puncticeps belong to another group.- Flounder


40. Caipang, Christopher Marlowe Arandela. Determination of nati-viral potential of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, Mx. 2001. 86 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-Tokyo University of Fisheries-Tokyo, Japan. Location: CFOS-Serials(LG995 2001 F5 C35 ) Mx proteins belong to the interferon-induced gene family, and are expressed when the cells are exposed to double-stranded RNA (ds-RNA) or infected with viruses. They form one of the important components of the host's anti-viral responses since they play crucial roles during the early stages of viral infection. Studies indicate that Mx strongly inhibits the multiplication of negative-stranded RNA viruses. The genes encoding for the Mx protein have been cloned from a variety of fish species: including perch, Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, Atlantic halibut and Japanese flounder. In the case of Japanese flounder Mx (JFMx), it remains to be determined whether or not it possesses anti-viral activity. Moreover, its localization within the cell needs to be determined to further elucidate its anti-viral mechanisms. Hence, this study was conducted to assess its anti-viral potential using an in vitro system. In addition, it was expressed in Escherichia coli for the production of a fusion protein as an initial step towards the generation of its antibody. The molecular mass of JFMx was determined using a commercial in vitro transcription/translation system. For anti-viral assessment, hirame natural embryo cell (HINAE) were transfected with the recombinant JFMx under the control of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Transfected cells were selected using 400 ug/ml G-418 in L-15 medium for one month, and subsequently maintained in a culture medium containing 200 ug/ml G-418. Viral titers were quantified in Mx-, vector- and non-transfected HINAE that were infected with hirame rhabdovirus (HIRRV), viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) and red seabream iridovirus (RSIV). Moreover, the kinetics of the viral gene expression at 1, 2 and 4 days post-infection were determined by RT-PCR and quantitative real time PCR. A 879-bp JFMx fragment was cloned downstream of the glutathione S-transferase gene and subsequently transformed in E. coli for the production of its fusion protein. The JFMx protein is approximately 68 kDa, based on Western blot analysis. High JFMx expression levels were observed in transfected HINAE compared with the non-transfected cell, indicating the enhanced effect of the CMV promoter. HIRRV and VHSV titers in JFMx-transfected HINAE were significantly lower (p<0 -="" -goby="" -u.="" .05="" 0.17="" 1.0="" 1.42="" 1.5m="" 10.6="" 103="" 106="" 10="" 11.83="" 11="" 12.74="" 13="" 14="" 15.0="" 168="" 17="" 1982="" 1983="" 1984.="" 1984="" 1987="" 1988.="" 1991.="" 1991="" 1996.="" 1996="" 1="" 1m="" 2-4="" 2.8="" 20="" 22.5="" 225="" 22="" 24="" 2="" 2nd="" 3.4="" 3.="" 30="" 3="" 41.="" 42.="" 43.="" 44.="" 47="" 4:1="" 4="" 4th="" 6="" 72="" 74="" 8="" 9.63="" a="" abarca.="" about="" abra="" abundance="" abundant="" abundio="" acceptability="" ad="" added="" age="" all="" also="" amelba="" among="" an="" analyses="" analysis="" and="" animals="" antibody.-="" anuary.="" appearance="" approximately="" april="" are="" area.="" as="" associated="" at="" attributes="" aws="" bacterial="" barangays.="" barangays="" bay="" be="" become="" better="" between="" biology="" body="" bohol="" both="" bulk="" but="" by="" calape="" calculated="" capsid="" capture="" catch="" caught="" cell="" cells="" cfosl-serials-prior="" cfosl-serials="" changes="" chonophorus="" cm.="" cm="" coastal="" coefficient="" coli.="" collected="" combination="" compared="" comparison="" compose="" composition="" comprised="" computed="" conducted="" content="" copy="" count.="" count="" culture="" d84="" data.="" data="" day="" days.="" days="" december="" degree="" density="" description="" determination="" determine="" determined="" developed="" diet.-="" differences="" different="" discussed.="" discussed="" distribution="" dumadag="" during="" e.="" each="" ecapterus="" economically="" effects="" effort="" eight="" either="" end="" environmental="" epinephelus="" equivalent="" estimated="" evaluation="" examined="" exploitation="" exploited="" expressed="" expression="" extraction="" f5="" families="" family="" february="" fed="" feeds="" female="" females="" final="" fingerlings="" finisher="" first="" fish="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries="" fishery="" flavour="" floating="" followed="" food="" for="" found="" fragment="" frequency="" from="" fry="" fully="" fused="" fusion="" g34="" g="" galicia="" galonggong="" galunggong="" gene="" general="" generation="" given.="" given="" glutathione="" glycoprotein="" goatffish="" goatfish="" gobies="" goboid="" goby="" grouper="" grow="" growth="" gulf.="" gulf="" hand="" has="" having="" higher="" highest="" hinae.="" hirrv="" hours="" however="" hr.="" i="" ice.-="" ice.="" ice="" identified="" ilocos="" iloilo.="" implies="" important="" in="" increased="" increment="" individuals="" inferior="" information="" inversely="" ipon="" is.="" is="" it="" item="" jfmx-and="" jfmx-transfected="" jfmx="" julita="" july="" june="" k="0.9736/yr" kg="" kinetics="" know="" lacrymosus="" larvae="" leaves.="" length.="" length="" lengths="" lesser="" level="" libitum.="" life.="" lingayen="" load="" location:="" longer="" loo="16.09" lowest="" m.="" m3="" macrosoma="" major="" male="" males.length-weight="" march="" material="" maturity="" may="" mean="" medium="" melanocephalus.="" miag-ao="" microbial="" microbiological="" minimum="" mm.="" mm="" moisture="" molds="" months="" more="" moreover="" mortality="" most="" mouth.="" mullidae="" namely="" netcages.="" netcages="" newspaper="" nine="" no="" non-transfected="" not="" nucleoprotein="" number="" observed="" oc="" october="" odour="" of="" on="" only="" or="" other="" over="" p.="" p="" pangangan="" paper="" parameters.-="" parameters.="" pattern="" peneus="" per="" period="" pinephelu="" plate="" plump="" population="" post-infection="" premix.="" present="" presented.="" presents="" pril="" produced="" product.="" product="" production="" projected="" prolonged="" proportional="" protein="" protocol="" pulses="" purification="" quality.="" quality="" r.-aspect="" ragasa.="" range="" ranked="" raw="" recruitment="" relation="" relationship="" relative="" replicated="" respect="" respectively.="" respectively="" result="" revealed="" rios="" river="" robust="" room="" rsiv="" rt="" s-transferase="" same="" sample="" samples="" santa="" season="" sensory="" september.="" seven="" sexes="" shelf="" shorter="" showed="" shrimp="" sicyopterus="" significant="" significantly="" six="" size="" smoked="" smoking="" soluble="" sp.="" spawns="" species.="" species="" specific="" stability="" stocked="" stomach="" storage.="" storage="" store="" stored="" structure="" study="" subjected="" subsequent="" suillus="" sulphureus="" sur-february="" sur="" survival="" susan="" take="" taxa="" temperature="" texture="" than="" that="" the="" their="" them="" there="" thesis-m.s.="" thirty="" this="" three="" thrice.="" thus="" time="" times="" titers="" to="" total="" transfected="" trash="" trawl="" trawlers="" treatment="" treatments="" trt="" two="" types.="" types="" u.="" u54="" under="" ungson="" unit="" used="" vector-="" verified="" vhsv="" vicinity="" visayas.="" vistal.="" vitamin="" was="" weight="" were="" while="" will="" with="" wrapped="" x="" year="" years="" yeasts="" yellow="" yellowfin="">0.01) from each other. Highly significant differences (P<0 -="" .01="" 1="" 2="" 3.="" 3="" 96.67="" and="" as="" between="" but="" by="" consumption="" differences="" feed="" followed="" for="" gain="" highest="" in="" kg="" lowest="" mean="" no="" not="" production="" rate="" recorded="" significant="" survival="" trt="" trts="" was="" weight="" well="" were="">0.05) were seen on percentage weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and condition factor of groupers in all three treatments. FCR's in all treatments were similar : 2.18 (Trt 1), 2.96 (Trt 2), and- 2.94 (Trt 3). PER's of the treatments were as follows: 0.82 (Trt 1), 0.94 (Trt 2), and 0.68 (Trt 3). A highly significant differnce (P<0 --u.="" -.="" -0.28="" -1.083="" -="" -experiments="" -inhanited="" -thesis-m.s.="" -u.="" ..development="" .01="" 0-5oc.-december="" 0-5oc="" 0.047="" 0.086="" 0.103="" 0.113="" 0.125="" 0.149="" 0.173="" 0.1="" 0.5="" 0.83="" 0="" 1-3="" 1.59="" 100-.="" 100="" 100mg="" 10="" 10o="" 113="" 12-14="" 143="" 15="" 15oc="" 16.1="" 17="" 1822="" 1829="" 192="" 1976="" 1977.="" 1977="" 1978.="" 1980.="" 1980="" 1982.="" 1983.="" 1983="" 1984.="" 1984="" 1986.="" 1986="" 1987.="" 1987="" 1988.="" 1988="" 1990.="" 1990="" 1998.="" 1998="" 19="" 1="" 20="" 21="" 22.6-="" 22="" 23="" 24="" 25="" 26="" 2="" 3-7="" 3.="" 30="" 33oc.-="" 35="" 37="" 38.25="" 39.2-.="" 39.23="" 3="" 4.25="" 4.3="" 4.60="" 4.8-5.8="" 4.8="" 40="" 40m2="" 40o="" 41.97="" 43="" 45.="" 46.="" 47.="" 48.09="" 48.="" 49.="" 4="" 5.36="" 5.45="" 50.="" 50="" 51.17="" 51.="" 51="" 52.="" 53.="" 54.="" 55.="" 56="" 5="" 5th="" 6.0="" 6.35="" 61="" 63.46="" 66.6-="" 69="" 70="" 72="" 74="" 75-="" 75="" 7="" 80="" 87="" 8="" 9.1-="" 95="" 980="" 98="" :="" a36="" a39="" a3="" a7="" a="" abnormalities.="" abnormality="" abounds="" about="" abrupt="" absence="" absorped="" absorption="" acosta="" activity="" added="" adeyemi="" adult="" adults.="" aduma="" affected="" aflor="" after="" against="" age="" albay="" algae.="" algae="" algal="" all="" alone="" also="" although="" amilton="" among="" amounts="" an="" analysis.="" analysis="" and="" animal.="" annelid="" anulirus="" any="" apparently="" appear="" appearan="" appearance="" application="" april="" aquaculture="" aquaria="" aquino="" are="" arellano="" artificial="" artificialsubstance="" as:="" as="" ash="" aspects="" at="" attained="" attributed="" august="" aveage="" average="" aw="" azubuike-effect="" bacteria="" bacterial="" bags.="" barachus="" basal="" based="" bay.="" be="" been="" behavior="" being="" belen="" bellulus="" belong="" bertalanffy="" best="" better="" between="" biological="" biology="" body="" both="" bottle="" botulinum="" brachionus="" brackish="" brackishwater="" bran="" broth.-="" but="" by="" c.="" ca2="" cagayan="" calcitran="" cannibalism="" capacity="" carapace="" carried="" catches.="" catches="" ce="" cell="" cells="" center="" cfosl-serials-sagittae="" cfosl-serials="" chaetoceros="" change="" changes="" chanos="" chicken="" chlorella.="" chlorella="" city..="" city.="" cl-="" cl="" close="" clostridium="" cloudy="" cm.="" cm="" coefficient="" coioides.-="" coioides="" collected="" college="" comberomorus="" combination="" combinations="" combined="" commercial="" commerson="" common="" comparable="" comparative="" compared.="" compared="" comparison="" completely.="" completely="" comprising="" concentration.="" concentration="" condition.="" conditions.="" conditions="" conducted.="" conducted="" confidence="" consisted="" consistently="" consists="" consumption="" content="" contents="" continuous="" conventionally="" correlate="" correlated="" correlation="" coscinodiscus="" cost="" costatum="" could="" count="" counted="" counts="" cove="" cow="" crop="" culture="" cultured="" curves.="" d64="" daily="" dark="" dasy="" data="" dates="" day-01="" day-02="" day-03.="" day.-="" day="" days="" de="" december="" declined="" degrade="" degree="" delayed="" della="" densities="" density="" dependent="" depending="" deposit="" derived="" describe="" design="" detected="" determine="" determined="" developed.="" developed="" development="" diatoms="" did="" differ="" difference="" differences="" different="" diminished="" diploneis="" distibution="" distribution="" dominant="" domingo="" donaldo="" done="" due="" durin="" during="" dynamics="" e.="" e="" each="" early="" ecological="" ecology="" economic="" economically="" effect="" effects="" eganes="" egg="" eggs.="" eggs="" eighteen="" either="" electronmicroscopy="" elefan="" elucidate="" embryonic="" embryos="" enterobacteriaceae="" entirely="" epinephelus="" equal="" equation="" establish="" estimated="" estimates="" etal="" evaluate="" evaluated="" evaluation="" even="" examined="" except="" exhibited="" experient="" experiment="" experimental="" experiments="" exploitation.="" exploitation="" exploratory="" extracted="" f5="" factorial="" factors="" family="" faster="" fats="" february="" fed="" feed="" feeding="" feeds="" females.="" females="" femoristuga="" fequency="" fertilization="" fertilized="" fertilizer="" filter-feeder="" final="" findings="" fingerlings="" finisher="" fish="" fisheries-miag-ao="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries="" fishermen="" fishery="" fishing.="" fishing="" fishponds.="" flavour="" floating="" folajimi.="" followed="" following="" food="" for="" formed="" forskal="" found="" frederick="" frequency="" frigate="" from="" fry.="" fry="" g3="" g="" galbana="" galope="" garvid="" gave="" general="" generated="" globular="" globule="" glycogen="" gm.="" gm="" gonadal="" grace="" gradually="" greater="" gross="" groundplasm="" grouper="" grown="" growth.="" growth="" gut="" ha="" had="" halophilic="" hand="" handpicking="" hanos="" hatched="" hatchin="" hatching-="" hatching="" have="" haveclear="" hepatocytes="" high="" higher="" highest="" his="" histamine-producing="" histamine="" histoy="" homarus.="" homogenates="" hours="" however="" hr="" i="" identified="" ignatius="" ii="" iii="" iloilo-miag-ao="" iloilo.="" iloilo="" ime="" immature="" implying="" in="" income="" increased="" increment="" incubated="" incubation="" indicated="" individuals.="" inestment="" influence="" influenced="" infusion="" inputs="" insignificant="" intake="" intervals="" investigated="" investment="" involved.="" ions="" is="" isochrysis="" isorena.="" it="" its="" iv="" josephine="" july="" june="" k="0.16" kg="" kitaroi="" klebsiella="" klebsielleae.="" known="" l.="" l8="" l="14.9" laboartoy.="" laboratory="" lacepede="" larvae="" larval="" leaves.="" leganes="" leignathus="" leigonathus="" leiognathus="" length-frequency="" length="" leny="" leonor="" lesser="" level="" levels.="" levels="" life="" light-and-dark="" light="" like="" likewise="" lingula="" liver="" lobster="" lobsters="" locally="" location:="" longipes="" looked="" low="" lower="" lowest="" lt="14.0" lumut="" luna="" m.="" m2="" m57="" m="0.64" mackerel="" made="" mainly="" males="" manila="" manure...-ure="" manure.="" manure="" manures="" march="" margin.="" marsupium="" material="" mature="" may="" mean="" measurements="" mechanical="" media.="" mejia-relationships="" mesophilic="" metasiriella="" mg2="" mg="" miag-ao="" milkfish="" miniature="" miranda="" mitochondria.="" mm.-="" mm="" moisture="" mollusk="" monitored="" month="" months.="" more="" mortality="" most="" mostly="" na="" namely:="" natunawan="" natural="" near="" nessarius="" net="" netcages="" newly-fertilized="" newly-hatched="" newly="" nine="" no="" not="" nuclei="" numerically="" nursery="" o-the="" observations="" observed="" obtained="" oc="" october="" odo="" odorifera.="" odour="" of="" ofthe="" oil="" oils="" old="" on="" one="" only="" oo="" optimum="" or="" orange-spotted="" order="" orejana.="" organic="" organisms="" ornatus="" orsskal="" other.="" other="" otolith="" otoliths="" out="" oxygen="" oxytoca="" p.="" p="" packed="" pairs="" pale="" panulirus="" parameter="" parameters="" particles="" pe="" peak="" pecentage="" penicellatus.="" penicillatus="" per="" percentage="" perfringens="" period.="" period="" ph="" philippines.="" philippines.october="" philippines="" phosphate-phosphorus="" phosphorus.="" phosphorus="" physico-chemical="" physiological="" phytoplankton.="" phytoplankton="" pinephelus="" plate="" plementary="" plicatilis="" polyethylene="" pond.="" pond="" ponds.="" ponds="" poorest="" population="" power="" pp="" ppt.="" ppt="" prawn="" predominant="" premix.="" premix="" prepared="" presence="" present="" primarily="" primary="" procedure="" produced="" production.-="" production="" productivity="" products="" profit="" profitable.-="" profitable="" prolonged="" properties="" protein="" proteins="" province="" psychrophilic="" qualities="" quality="" quantity="" quinte-rearing="" quite="" r="-0.15," raised="" ramdomized="" randomized="" ranged="" ranging="" rate="" rates="" rather="" raw="" reach="" reactive="" readable="" reared="" rearing="" recorded="" recruitment="" regular="" relation="" relatively="" released="" remarkably="" renato="" replicated="" replicates="" reproduced="" resorbed="" respectively.-="" respectively.="" respectively="" response="" result="" resulted="" results.="" results="" return="" returns="" revealed="" rice="" rings.="" rings="" sac="" sales="" salinities.="" salinities="" salinity.-="" salinity="" samples.="" samples="" sampling="" san="" scavenge.="" season="" selected="" sensory="" september="" serratia="" sets="" sexual="" shapes="" shelflife="" show="" showed="" shrimp="" shrunken="" significant.-="" significant.="" significant="" significantly="" similar="" simple="" single="" six="" size="" skeletonema="" slightly="" small-scale="" smaller="" smoked="" smokehouse="" smoking.-="" smoking="" so4-="" soil="" some="" sp.="" spanish="" spawning="" spear="" species.="" species="" specific="" spiny="" splendens.="" splendens="" spotty="" stability="" stage="" stages="" stalk="" standard="" standing="" state="" statistically="" stocked="" stocking="" storage.="" storage="" stored="" studied="" study.="" study="" substrate.="" substrate="" substrates="" sucgang-identification="" such="" suggesting="" suggests="" suillus="" summer="" sup-="" superior="" supplementary="" supported="" surf="" survival.="" survival="" suvival="" t75="" t="" tabaco="" tah="" tangigue="" technique="" temperature="" terms="" test="" tetrahele="" tetraselis="" tetraselmis="" tha="" than="" that="" thazard="" the="" their="" there="" theresa="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" this="" those="" though="" thoughout="" three="" through="" throughout="" time.="" times.="" to="" tolarated="" tolerance="" ton="" tons="" total="" toxic="" toxocological="" traits.="" trash="" treatment.="" treatment="" treatments.="" treatments="" tribe="" trinidad="" trt="" trts="" two="" type="" types="" ultrastructural="" unde="" under="" unguis="" unicellular="" units="" university="" up="" upon="" upv-bac="" use="" used="" using="" uvier="" uxis="" v.="" v="" vacuum="" vagay.="" validated="" validation="" validity="" values="" varied="" veage="" versicolor="" vi="" viable.="" vicente="" vii="" viii="" virginica="" visayas.="" visayas="" vitamin="" volumes="" von="" vulnerable="" w="" was="" water.="" water="" weather="" week="" weight="" well="" were="" when="" where="" which="" while="" with="" within="" without="" year.="" year="" years="" yield="" yielded="" yolk-sac="" yolk="" young="" ysidacea="" z6="" zaldy="" zone="">0.05). The gross primary productivity (mg C/1 for 4 hours) in Treatment 1 (chicken manure at 2,500 kg/ha) was significantly greater (P<0 .05="" 2="" 5="" and="" at="" between="" correlation="" crop="" gross="" ha="" ii="" iii="" kg="" net="" no="" phytoplankton="" primary="" productivity="" r="0.05;P" rice="" standing="" straw="" than="" there="" treatment="" urea="" was="">0.05). No significant correlation was obtained between the standing crop of phytoplankton and the phosphate-phosphorus content of pond waters (r = 0.13; P>0.05).-


56. Baliao, Dan D. Evaluation of a combination of indoor-outdoor nursery system for growing milkfish fry to fingerlings-December 1978. x, 67 leaves, 14 figs.,14 tabs. Thesis--M.S. in Fisheries-College of Fisheries, UPV. Iloilo. Location: PCARR; SEAFDEC-AQDL; UPV-BACL; UPVCFOSL (LG995 1978 F5 B34). Milkfish fry were pre-stocked at the rate of 3,500, 4,500 and 5,500/m3 in wooden nursery boxes, each 1.39 m2 in area, filled with water to depth of 20.5 cm. At the same time another batch of fry were directly stocked at the rate of 50 fry/m2 to half the number of earthen nursery ponds, each 31.32 m2 in area, containing water to depth of 40 cm. in lab-lab nursery pond and 75 cm. in plankton nursery pond. After 30 days culture period, the pre-stocked fry in wooden nursery boxes were harvested and stocked to the remaining half of lab-lab and plankton nursery ponds. All nursery boxes and nursery ponds were fertilized following the recommended rate. After 61 days culture period all fish were harvested. Results indicated that in nursery boxes, growth rate averaging .003 gm/day/fish and percentage survival averaging 89.8- showed no significant difference existing among different stocking densities. In nursery ponds, the growth rate averaging .023 gm/day/fish and percentage survival averaging 52.45- varied significantly between the two methods of culture. Significant differences were observed between pre-stocked fingerlings and those stocked directly in terms of growth rate and survival which were .036 gm/day/fish and 61.7- and .010 gm/day/fish and 43.2-, respectively. However, lab-lab method comparatively gave higher percentage survival and faster rate of growth than the plankton method.-


57. Banno, Jessie E. The food and feeding habits of the milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal)collected from two habitats along the coast of Hamtik, Antique. October, 1980. 77 leaves. Thesis--M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. College of Fisheries-Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 B35)-Milkfish fry were collected weekly and daily from the marine and estuarine habitats for food habit, feeding periodicity and abundance studies during the 1977 and 1978 fry seasons in Hamtik, Antique. Gut content analysis of the milkfish fry, 13.4 + 0.9 mm total length and 7.5 + 1.9 mg body weight, indicated that 71 of the 636 and 34 of the 391 collected weekly from the marine and estuarine habitats, respectively, contained plankton in their guts. Likewise, only 40 individuals of the 1289 marine samples and 71 of the 1377 estuarine samples collected daily, ingested plankton. Five genera of the diatoms, three of copepods, two types of foraminiferans, and sand grains were found in the guts of the milkfish fry. The most comon were Coscinodiscus sp., Oithona sp., Paracalanus sp., and Calanus sp. Milkfish fry started feeding on plankton at 0600 hours and stopped at 1900 hours, with active feeding at 0700 to 1300 hours, 1400 to 1700 hours and 0000 to 0200 hours which were the highest, the intermediate and the least pronounced peak feedings respectively. The data indicate a low incidence of feeding on plankton in both habitats. This could be due to the small quantity of plankton during fry collection. However, this also strongly suggests that the primary sources of food for the fry are the vast quantities of detritus and inorganic nutrients which abound along coastal areas and which the fry could easily utilize for their nutritional requirements. Milkfish fry abundance is not related to the height of tides, per se.-


58. Bara, Agabus. Effect of different levels of chicken manure and ammonium phosphate on milkfish. March 1984. 112 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1978 F6 B36)-This study was conducted at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center (UPV-BAC) Leganes, Iloilo from June 20 to November 30, 1983. Fifteen rectangular experimental ponds were used to determine the effect of different levels of chicken manure and ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) on milkfish production, gross primary productivity and some selected soil and water properties in a completely randomized design with three replications.The highest net fish yield of 502.12 kg/ha was obtained in Treatment III (1000kg/ha chicken manure plus 50 kg/ha basal 16-20-0).This was followed by Treatment II(2000 kg/ha chicken manure plus 50 kg/ha basal 16-20-0) with a net fish yield of494.09kg/ha.In Treatment V (no chicken manure but 75 kg/ha basal 16-20-0) the net fish yield (238 kg/ha) was lowest. Generally, treatments with chicken manure application (III, II, and I) had higher mean net fish yield than without chicken manure apllication (IV and V). Fish survival obtained in all treatments was low ranged from 64.4- to 76.7-. However, the difference in mean percent survival among the treatments were not significant. The highest primary productiviti was recorded in Treatment I (21.27 ppm - O2) and the lowest in Treatment V (2.93 ppm - O2). Generally, primary productivity increased after fertilizer application. Correlation analysis between gross primary productivity and fish yield showed high positive correlation. Based on the results of this study the economic analysis showed that Treatment III (1000 kg/ha chicken manure, 50 kg/ha of-ammonium phosphate in basal and 30 kg/ha in subsequent application is the most profitable. This treatment gave a net profit of P 2,194.25/ha per cropwith acost-benefit ratio of 1.43.-


59. Chiu, Yvonne Ng. Studies on the carbohydrates on the digestive tract of Chanos chanos Forskal. May 1979. 45 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo.. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 C55). The distribution of carbohydrates in pond-grown Chanos chanos (milkfish) with average weights ranging from 97.0 to 132.8 g was examined. For amylase, the periodicity in relation with feeding activity, the characterization by pH, temperature and salinity activity profiles and the level of activity with starch from various sources were determined. The carbohydrates were found mainly in the pyloric caeca and intestines. The most active group of enzymes were those involved in the hydrolysis of the alpha-glucosidic bonds. High activity was noted for trehalase, alpha (1-6) glucosidase and maltase. Although the milkfish samples used relied mostly on plant (algal) materials for food, no cellulase activity was detected. Amylase, a major carbohydrase, was found in most of the digestive organs but high activity was observed in the pyloric caeca, intestines, pancreas and liver. Intestinal amylase secretion is induced by the intake of food, both peaking at about midday. The intestinal amylase had a pH optimum of pH 6.2 and a temperature optimum of 50oC. A high amylase activity was maintained over a salinity range of 10 to 40 ppt. Milkfish amylase can be used in the in vitro assessment of the digestibili-ty of starch from various sources.-


60. Eldani, Abdurizal A. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and Prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) at Different Stocking Combinations in Brackishwater Ponds. May 1979. 73 leaves. Thesis--M.S. in Fisheries--U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 E43) A study was conducted on the polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in nine 500 sq. m earthen ponds of the SEAFDEC Leganes Station, from November 12 to March 15, 1979. The different stocking combinations tested were : 2,000 milkfish fingerlings per ha (Treatment I); 2,000 milkfish fingerlings plus 4,000 prwn juveniles per ha (Treatment II); and 2,000 milkfish fingerlings plus 8,000 prawn juveniles per ha (Treatment III), with three replicates per treatment. Results indicated the highest combined net milkfish and prawn production was obtained in Treatment III with 492.1 kg per ha followed by treatment II with 404.1 kg per ha and then treatment I (milkfish only) with 280.5 kg per ha. The difference in combined net production between treatments III and I and between treatments II and I was statistically significant at the 5 - level. Average net production of milkfish alone was also highest in treatment III followed by treatment II and then treatment I, although differences were not significant. However, mean weight of prawn was higher in treatment II compared to treatment III. The average survival rates of milkfish for all treatments were high ranging from 90 to 96 -. In the case of prawn, average survival rates were low at around 50 - for both treatments. There was no significant difference in the survival rate of milkfish among treatments. Likewise, there was no significant difference in the survival rate of prawn between treatments II and III. The competitive relationship between milkfish and prawn were negative-values as indicated by the competition index. The economic analysis indicated that polyculture was better than monoculture in terms of profitability.-


61. Gauzon, Jose Enrique Diel-Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Food Consumption and Growth of Artificially-Fed Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). July 1997. 31 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1997 F5 G3 ) Juvenile milkfish (mean weight 57.75 +- 8.94 g) were fed an artificial diet (23 - crude protein) at 6 - of body weight feeding rate and reared at two twmpwrature (24oC +-1oC and 34oC+-1oC) and salinity (24 ppt +-1 ppt and 34 ppt +-1 ppt) levels for 19 days. Mean food consumptions per day did not exceed 2- of fish body weight in all treatments. Milkfish had higher feed consumption at high temperature (34oC) but fish weight decreased. Further, temperature significantly influenced feed consumption, faecal egestion and apparent protein digestibility of milkfish in this experiment. The combination of low temperature (24oC) and low salinity (24ppt) resulted to lowest feed conversion ratio, highest protein efficiency ratio and highest specific growth rate.-


62. Humilde, Primo Merino. Growth, survival and net yield of milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal (1775) reared in floating net cages at different stocking densities..May 2001. 40 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2001 F5 H84). This study determined growth, survival and production of milkfish (Chanos chanos) reared in floating net cages for 120 days at stocking densities of 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 individuals per cubic meter. Growth was inversely proportional with stocking density but differences were not significant among treatments. Survival on the other hand was almost similar in all the densities tested (99.33-99.83%). Production however, markedly increased with increasing density (P<0 -.="" -="" -u.="" .01="" 0-20-0="" 0.05="" 1-12="" 100="" 100m2="" 10="" 11.3="" 112="" 118.2="" 12="" 142="" 15.6="" 16-20-0="" 17="" 18.4="" 1979.="" 1980.="" 1980="" 1981.="" 1981="" 1985.="" 1985="" 1987.="" 1987="" 1="" 22.0="" 23-29oc="" 25="" 27.4="" 27="" 28-day="" 2="" 30-="" 30-day="" 300="" 30="" 32.8="" 34.4="" 35-47="" 35.3="" 38.7="" 39.3="" 39.75="" 39="" 3="" 40.4="" 417kg="" 42="" 45-0-0="" 46.7="" 4="" 50="" 53.2="" 535="" 56="" 57="" 587.6="" 58="" 59="" 5="" 60.19="" 60.25="" 62.9="" 62="" 63.="" 64.="" 65.="" 66.="" 67.="" 6="" 70.42="" 70.73="" 75="" 76.66="" 7="" 800="" 80="" 86="" 88.7="" 8="" 90="" 95.8="" 972="" :="" a.-="" a.="" a="" access="" accounted="" addressed="" aeration="" after="" airlift="" alkalinity="" all="" allow="" also="" although="" among="" an="" analysis.="" analysis="" and-benthic="" and="" another="" anuary="" any="" application="" applied="" april="" aquaculture="" aquaria="" arnulfo="" artificial="" as="" ash="" at="" available="" ave.="" average="" b.="" b="" back="" basically="" be="" became="" because="" being="" benefit="" benefits="" benthic="" between="" beyond="" block="" bottles="" bottom="" brachionus="" brackishwater="" bran="" but="" by="" c.="" c="" carried="" center="" cfosl-serials="" changes="" chanos="" combination="" commenced.="" commercially="" community="" compared="" comparing="" compartments="" completely="" component="" concentration="" condition="" conducted="" containing="" contributed="" control.="" control="" correlate="" correlated="" correlation="" corresponding="" cost="" could="" crokked="" crop="" d.="" d="" dark="" dawn="" day="" days.="" days="" declining="" decrease="" densities.-="" densities.="" density.="" department="" design.="" design="" desnity="" determine="" determined.="" dies="" diet="" diets="" difference="" differences="" different="" diminish="" dispersion="" dissolved="" distribution="" diurnal="" divided="" dry="" during="" each="" earthen="" economic="" effect="" effective="" effects="" efficacy="" end="" especially="" espejo-evaluation="" establishing="" estimated="" esults="" evaluated="" every="" except="" experiment="" experimental="" experiments="" f5="" faith="" favour="" february="" fed="" feed="" feeding.="" feeding="" feeds="" fertilization="" fertilized="" fertilizer="" fertilizers="" fertlizer="" ffor="" fiberlass="" find="" first="" fish="" fisheries="" flea="" floating="" flow-through="" flow="" followed="" food="" for="" forms="" forskal="" forsskal="" found="" four="" free="" frequencies="" frequency="" from="" frozen="" fry.="" fry="" further="" g.m2="" g="" gain="" gave="" gil="" given="" glass="" good.="" growth="" ha.="" ha="" had="" hand="" hanos="" have="" head="" hemorrhages="" high="" higher="" highest="" highly="" holding.="" holding="" hot="" however="" i36="" i="" ikotun="" iloilo.="" iloilo="" improve="" in="" increase="" increased="" increasing="" incremental="" indicated="" individuals="" information="" initial="" inorganic="" into="" is="" it="" its="" j.-the="" j35="" jamandre="" james.="" july="" june="" kg="" l84="" la-lab="" lab-lab="" leaves.="" leganes="" less="" level="" levels="" light="" limit="" liter="" live="" located="" location:="" low="" lower="" lowest="" lumasag="" m.-the="" m.="" m2="" m37="" m3="" m57="" m="" macrocopa.="" macrocopa="" make="" manage="" marasigan="" march="" marked="" marquez="" may="" mea="" mean="" means="" mechanized="" metabolisms="" method="" mg.="" mg="" miag-ao="" might="" milkfish="" minimum="" modification="" moina="" monitored="" most="" n.-the="" natural="" net="" next="" nh3-n="" nitrate="" no2-n="" no3-n="" no="" not="" nutrient="" observed="" obtained="" of="" often="" on="" one="" only="" or="" other="" out="" oxygen="" p.="" p="0.05)." pelleted="" pellets="" per="" percent="" perhaps="" period.="" period="" periods="" ph="" phase="" phases.="" physico-chemical="" phytoplankton="" plankton="" plicatilis-fed="" plicatilis="" po4-p="" pond="" ponds-march="" ponds.="" ponds="" population="" populations="" positive="" ppt="" practice="" preiod="" primary="" prior="" problem="" production.-="" production.="" production="" productivity="" profitability="" profitable.="" profits="" progressively="" properties="" protein="" provide="" quality="" quartes="" r="0.40," raining="" randomized="" ranging="" rate="" rates="" reached="" reared="" rearing="" relationship="" relationships="" replicated="" replicates.="" respectively.="" respectively="" results="" rhoda="" rice="" rotifer="" run="" salinity="" sampler="" sampling="" satisfactory="" sea="" seafdec="" second="" seemed="" sh-free-dry="" should="" showed="" significant="" significantly="" sinking="" sixteen="" slower="" soil="" some="" spreader.="" sq="" standing="" started="" starts="" stay="" stocked="" stocking="" straus="" study="" subdivided="" sunday="" superphosphate="" supplementary="" surface="" survival="" survivals="" syndrome.-="" system.="" tanks="" technique="" termination="" terms="" tested="" tetrahele="" tetraselmis="" than="" that="" the="" theoretically="" there="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" third="" this="" those="" three="" through="" thus="" tide-fed="" times="" to="" treatment="" treatments.-="" treatments="" trials="" two="" unfed="" unfertilized="" up="" upv-bac="" urea="" use="" used.="" usin="" using="" utilizing="" values.="" vertical="" very="" visayas.="" was="" water.="" water="" week="" weeks="" weight="" weights="" were:="" were="" when="" which="" while="" wild="" with="" wt.="" x="" xperiment="" yield="">0.05) among the treatments. At the maximum standing crops attained, the-concentration of metabolites for all treatments was low but a significant increase (P<0 -.="" -="" -fish="" -not="" -the="" -u.="" .05="" 0.03="" 0.20="" 0.33="" 0.40="" 0.70="" 0.71="" 0.84="" 0.85="" 0.96="" 0.99715.="" 1.0.-="" 1.02572="" 1.05="" 1.13="" 1.65.-="" 1.76.-="" 1.81="" 1.85="" 10.13="" 100-="" 100="" 1158.7-="" 117="" 12.18="" 121="" 12="" 1417.1-="" 144="" 14="" 15.4="" 15="" 16.75="" 1616.1="" 18-46-0="" 18.7="" 18="" 19.9oc="" 1979="" 1980.="" 1980="" 1981.="" 1981="" 1982.="" 1982="" 1983.="" 1983="" 1986.="" 1986="" 1="" 2.00="" 2.63="" 210="" 250="" 25="" 27="" 28="" 29="" 2="" 300="" 304.09="" 30="" 35="" 36.5oc="" 36="" 3="" 3rd="" 4000="" 40="" 42.95="" 42="" 45="" 4="" 500-m2="" 500="" 507.3="" 50="" 534.4="" 535.7="" 547.63="" 559.16="" 585.10="" 593.6="" 595.9="" 5="" 60="" 663.11="" 66="" 68.="" 69.="" 6="" 70.="" 71.="" 72.="" 73.="" 74.="" 75.="" 75="" 76.="" 77.="" 785.30="" 8.5="" 811.9="" 816.3="" 816.8="" 82="" 83="" 84="" 85.2="" 85.8="" 85.9="" 88.9="" 89.5="" 8="" 92.8="" 94="" 95.5="" 95.6="" 96.4="" 967.5="" 98.3="" 9="" :="" a="" about="" abundant="" ad="" advaced="" aeration="" affected="" after="" alkalininity.="" alkalinity="" all="" allometric="" almost="" alone="" also="" although="" ammonia="" among="" amount="" an="" analyses="" analysis-showed="" analysis="" and="" anderson.effect="" anet="" any="" application.="" application="" applications="" applied="" approximately="" aquaculture="" arch="" are="" arte="" as="" at="" attained="" available="" average="" b-the="" bag="" basal="" based="" basins="" basis.="" beato="" because="" becoming="" before="" began="" benefit="" best="" better="" between="" biomass="" block="" body="" both="" brackishwater="" but="" by="" c.="" carbon="" causes="" center="" centre="" cfosl-serials="" changes="" chanos="" chemical="" chicken="" chidozie.="" city.="" coefficient="" collecting="" college="" color="" combination="" combinations.="" combinations="" commercial="" community="" comparatively="" compared="" comparing="" comparison="" competition="" complete="" completely="" concentration="" concentrations="" condition="" conducted="" considerably="" consisted="" consistency.="" consistent="" constructed.="" control.="" control="" correlated="" correlation="" cost-benefit="" cost="" cotton="" critical="" crop.="" crop="" culture.="" culture="" d="" days="" december="" decrease="" densities="" density="" design.="" design="" designed="" determined.="" diammonium="" did="" diel="" differ="" differed="" difference.="" difference="" differences="" different.="" different="" differnt="" dioxide="" dissolved="" dosage="" double="" dragging="" dry="" due="" duration="" durations="" during="" each="" earthen="" economic="" economically="" effect="" effects="" egg="" eighteen="" enaeus="" end="" ended="" estimated="" evaluate="" evaluated="" evaluation="" except="" exerted="" existed="" experiment="" experimental="" extractable="" f5="" f="" fabian="" fabricius="" factor="" factorial="" factors="" feasiblee="" february="" fed="" feeding.-="" feeding="" fertilex="" fertilization="" fertilizer="" fertilizerrates="" fertilizers="" fertlizer="" ffertilex="" field="" fingerlings="" fish="" fisheries="" five="" floor="" fluctauted="" followed="" follows="" fontelera.="" food="" for="" forskal="" forsskal="" four="" free="" frequencies="" frequency="" from="" fry="" g.="" g="" gain="" gave="" gear="" general="" generally="" gerald="" greater="" gross="" growth="" ha.="" ha="" had="" hand="" hanos="" hard-boiled="" harvest="" has="" have="" he="" heavy="" high="" higher="" highest="" however.="" however="" hyacinth="" i.="" i="" ifeanyi-effects="" ii.="" ii="" iii.="" iii="" iloilo.="" iloilo="" in="" include="" included="" income="" increase="" increased.-="" incurred="" indicates="" initial="" inorganic="" intermediate="" intrusion="" iron.="" iron="" is="" isometric="" it="" its="" iv="" jagunap="" january="" jocelyn="" jonathan-evaluation="" jr.="" july="" kf="" kg="" lab-lab="" last="" latter="" leaves.="" leganes="" length-weight="" length="" level="" levels="" little="" loadings="" location:="" loss.="" losses="" low.="" low="" lower-has="" lower="" lowest="" m.="" m2="" m48="" manipulation="" manure.="" manure="" manures="" map="" march="" marginal="" matter="" may="" mean="" means="" meanweight="" measured="" mesa="" mesh="" methods="" miag-ao="" milkfish.="" milkfish="" minutes="" mm="" mo="" modified="" moisture="" monitored="" mono-ammonium="" monoammonium="" monoammoniun="" monoamonium="" monoculture="" monodon="" month="" months="" mossambica.="" most="" n47="" n96="" n="" namely="" natural="" negatively="" negligible="" nera="" net="" netting.="" netting="" never="" nh3-n="" nitrite-nitrogen="" nitrogen="" no="" noculture="" non-profitability="" not="" numerically="" nursery="" nwalozie="" nwosu="" nylon.="" nylon="" o2="" o38="" o46="" o69="" observed="" obtained="" october="" odunwa="" of="" okoye="" olawale="" olu.="" omoloyin="" on-set="" on="" once="" only="" operating="" or="" organic="" other="" others="" otubusin="" over="" oxygen="" p.="" p2="" p2o5="" p34="" p3="" p84="" p="" paler="" parameters="" per="" percent="" percentage="" performance="" period="" ph="" philippines.="" philippines="" phosphate="" phosphorous="" phosphorus="" physical="" physico-chemical="" pig="" plastic="" plunged="" plus="" polyculture.="" polyculture="" polycultureof="" polyester="" polyseter="" pond.="" pond="" pondds="" ponds.="" ponds="" positive="" positively="" ppm="" ppt="" prawn.="" prawn="" prawns="" price.-="" price="" primary="" production.="" production="" productivity="" profit="" profitable.="" profitable="" properties="" provided="" published="" pudadera="" q85="" quality="" quinitio="" rainy="" randomized="" ranged="" ranging="" rate.="" rate="" rates="" ratio.="" ratio="" ratios="" reatment="" received="" reduction="" relationship="" replicates.="" replicates="" replications.="" research="" respectively.="" respectively="" result="" resulted="" results="" return="" reveal="" reveals="" reynaldo="" rganic="" rock="" romeo="" salinity="" same="" samuel="" satisfactory="" seafdec="" season.="" selected="" september="" show="" showed="" significant.="" significant="" significantly="" similarly="" singly="" six="" size-fish="" size="" slightly="" smaller="" soil="" soilavailable="" solophos="" some="" soup-like="" sources="" sq.="" standard="" station="" statistical="" statistically="" stocked="" stocking="" storage.="" stored="" studied="" study.="" study="" subsequent="" summer="" sunrise="" sunset="" supplemental="" supplementary="" support="" survival.-="" survival.="" survival="" sweeper.="" sweeper="" system.="" temperature="" terms="" test="" tested="" tests="" than="" that="" the="" there="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" they="" this="" those="" though="" three-point="" three="" through="" throughout="" tilapia="" time="" times="" to="" total="" treament="" treatment.="" treatment="" treatmentii="" treatments-.="" treatments.-="" treatments.="" treatments:="" treatments="" trend="" trends="" trials.="" twelve="" two="" under="" unit="" university="" upv="" urea.="" urea="" urera="" use="" used="" using="" v.="" v="" value="" values="" various="" varying="" vi.="" visayas.="" visayas="" was="" water-soluble="" water="" week.="" week="" weekly="" weight="" were="" where="" which="" while="" whole="" widely.="" with="" within="" without="" x-lbecm="" x="" yield.-="" yield.="" yield="" yields="" yolk="">0.05) at different salinity levels nor at different stocking density manipulation method could not be statistically demonstrated. // The highest survival arte was 97.8 - at stocking density manipulation I with 8 ppt while the lowest was 95.5 - also at stocking density manipulation I with 32 ppt. Increase in length, however, differed significantly (P<0 -.="" -="" -chanos="" -u.="" .05="" .april="" 0.21="" 0.24="" 0.28="" 0.54="" 0.67="" 0.6="" 0.84="" 0.8="" 0.98="" 1.14="" 1.44-="" 1.44="" 1.48="" 10-="" 10="" 12="" 15="" 16="" 1979.="" 1979="" 1987.="" 1987="" 1990.="" 1990="" 1="" 20-="" 26="" 2="" 30="" 32="" 36="" 38="" 3="" 40="" 42="" 4="" 5="" 6-="" 60-l="" 60-liter="" 63="" 66.2-="" 78.="" 79.="" 80.="" 8="" a="" acceptable="" acid="" acids="" added="" adding="" addition="" after="" agnes="" all="" also="" amino="" among="" amount="" an="" analysis="" and="" animal="" apparently="" approximately="" aquaria="" are="" as="" assessed="" at:="" at="" average="" averaging="" b="" basal="" be="" better="" between="" body="" bone="" breakpoint="" but="" by="" c="" can="" cataract="" cfosl-serials="" chanos="" compare="" completely="" composed="" composition="" concentrate="" concentrations="" contain="" contained="" containing="" contributing="" controlled="" conversion="" copra="" corn="" could="" crystalline="" cystine.="" cystine="" daily="" data="" day.="" days="" deficient="" demonstrated.="" density="" depression="" detected="" did="" diet.="" diet="" dietary="" diets.="" diets="" differ="" difference="" differences="" different="" digestable="" dry="" each="" effect="" effects="" efficiency="" eighteen="" energy="" environment.="" equal="" equivalent="" essential="" essentially="" estimated="" experiment.="" experiment="" experimental="" extracted="" eye="" f5="" factorial="" fastest="" fat="" fed="" feed="" feeding.="" feeding="" fingerlings="" fish="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries="" fishmeal="" five="" flow="" followed="" for="" formulaated="" formulated="" forskal="" found="" fraction="" free="" from="" fry.="" fry="" g="" gain="" gains="" gave="" given="" glass="" gluten="" good="" graded="" growth="" had="" hanos="" higher="" highest="" i="" ii="" iii="" iloilo.="" in="" increase="" indicated="" interaction="" investigated="" ipil-ipil="" its="" juveniles.="" juveniles="" kcal="" kg="" l-cystine="" l-methionine="" l="" leaf="" leaves.="" length="" level="" levels.="" levels="" likewise="" linear="" location:="" low="" lower="" lynn="" major="" make="" manipulation="" march="" marte-the="" mary="" matter="" meal.="" meal="" meat="" methionine.="" methionine="" mg="" miag-ao="" milkfish="" mineral="" minute.="" more="" namely="" negative="" no="" not="" noted="" nutrients="" observed="" obtained="" of-protein="" of="" on="" only="" or="" orskal="" other="" p.="" per="" period="" plant="" ppt.-="" ppt="" practical="" presence="" primarily="" profile="" protein.="" protein="" proteins.="" proteins="" provided="" proximate="" quantities="" rate="" rates="" ratio="" received="" recirculating="" rectangular="" reduced="" regardless="" regression="" replace="" requirement="" respectively.="" respectively="" results="" s26="" s2="" s4="" salinity="" same="" samsi="" sardoma.="" sastrillo="" seneriches="" shrimp-head="" significant="" significantly="" since="" six="" size="" so="" soleh.="" soluble="" source="" sources="" soybean="" statistically="" stocked="" stocking="" suggesting="" suggests="" supplemented="" survival.="" survival="" system="" tanks="" test="" than="" that="" the="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" this="" those="" three="" through="" to="" tocking="" total="" toxicity="" treatment="" treatments.="" twelve="" two="" used="" using="" utilized="" value-and="" values.-="" values="" various="" very="" visayas.="" was="" water="" week="" weeks.="" weeks="" weight="" wer="" were="" when="" while="" white="" with="" x="">0.05) from that of fish fed diets with 15 - of its protein from fishmeal (diet 2). Poor growth responses, survival and feed efficiency were observed in fish fed diets containing corn gluten meal as the only source of protein. Further supplementation of this diet with mineral fraction (diet 4) or fat soluble extract (diet 5) did not improve these parameters of measure. It is concluded that because of high biological value of fishmeal protein and the present inability to improve plant proteins to one- of comparable quality, diets for milkfish fry should include no less than 15 - of the protein from fishmeal to attain maximum growth, survival and feed efficiency.-


81. Seraspe, Ebonia Balonon. Intensive feeding of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos Forsskal) in net enclosures using complete and incomplete diets at various protein levels. April 1979. 61 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 S47) Twenty-six net enclosures (approximately 1 m3) suspended in a brackishwater pond were used to grow milkfish fry (0.01 g average weight) to fingerling (0.75 g average weight) for 64 days to determine whether supplemental feeding will increase growth and survival of fry; whether it is best to give vitamin-enriched feed and what level of protein is considered optimal for milkfish fry. Suitability of net enclosure for rearing milkfish fry was also assessed. Four levels of crude protein (20-, 30-, 40- and 50-) in complete and incomplete formulations were evaluated and assigned randomly among the experimental units. feeds were given in fine crumbles, at 8 - to 6 - of total body weight on a dry basis for six days a week. Survival was higher in complete diet regime than in incomplete diet regime but there was no significant difference with regards to growth. Forty percent (40-) was found to be the optimum level of protein for maximum growth of the milkfish fry. Limitations fro rearing fry in cages were met such as fouling of the net, low water interchange in the net, increased labor costs for handling, feeding and cage maintenance.-


82. Seraspi, Ebonia B. Intensive feeding of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos forskal) in net enclosures using complete and incomplete diets at various protein levels. 1979. xi,61 leaves:11 figs.,3 tabs.-Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-College of Fisheries, UPV, Iloilo. Location: SEAFDEC-AQDL; UPVCFOSL (LG995 1995 F5 S47); UPVML; UPV-BACL-Twenty-six net enclosures (approximately 1 m3) suspended in a brackishwater pond were used to grow milkifish fry (0.01 g average weight) to fingerlings (0.75 g average weight) for 64 days to determine whether supplement feeding will increase growth and survival of fry; whether it is best to give vitamin-enriched feed and what level of protein is considered optimal for milkfish fry. Suitability of net enclosures for rearing milkfish fry was also assessed. Four levels of crude protein (20-,30-,40- and 50-) in complete and incomplete formulations were evaluated and assigned randomly among the experimental units. Feeds were given in fine crumbles, at 8- to 6- of total body weight on a dry weight basis for six days a week. Survival was higher in complete diet regime than in incomplete diets regime but there was no significant difference with regards to growth. Forty percent (40-) was found to be the optimal level of protein for maximum growth of the milkfish fry. Limitations in rearing fry in cages were met such as fouling of the net, low water interchange in the net, increased labor costs for handling, feeding and cage maintenance.-


83. Sumagaysay, Neila S.-Effects of dietary energy and fiber on protein utilization of supplemental feeds of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) reared in brackishwater ponds. July 1988. 46 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1988 F5 S9) -The study explores the nutritive value of fiber in supplemental feeds for milkfish. The experiment was designed so that all four treatments involved equal loads of protein - N (6 g/kg fish/day) at two energy levels and varying fiber loads. The use of fresh chicken manure, containing 17 - protein served as the control treatment (1). Treatment 2 involved the use of diet with protein and energy content similar to thet of chicken manure. Chicken manure and diet 2 were given at a higher rate (3.5 - compared to 2.4 - of body weight as ash free dry matter), so that the daily protein-N load would be similar to the 25 - protein diets in Treatments 3 and 4. Nitrogen free extract (NFE) in diet 4 was largely replaced by fiber in diet 3 so that if fiber has the same energy value as NFE, diets in Treatment 3 and 4 would be isocaloric and Treatment 2 would have the highest energy load. Rice hull provided the bulk of dietary fiber. The experiment was conducted in four units of 800 sq m earthen ponds, divided into four quarters. Milkfish juveniles with an average initial weight of 29 g were stocked at 7000/ha. After three months of culture, milkfish growth and production and protein efficiency ratio were significantly higher (P<0 -="" .05="" 14.5="" 20="" 3="" 436="" and="" attained="" but="" compared="" containing="" diets="" difference="" fed="" fiber="" fish="" ha="" highest="" in="" kg="" manured="" no="" ponds="" respectively.="" significant="" to="" treatment="" was="" were="" with="" yield="">0.05) was observed with other feed treatments (600 kg/ha - Treatment 2 ; 619 kg/ha - Treatment 4). Proper feed efficiency (5.8) was observed in fish -exposed to 25 - protein diet (3.6) The lack of difference between Treatments 3 and 4 suggests that energy is not limiting in the high fiber diet (Treatment 3) but additional fiber (Treatment 2) does not further improve growth. Higher feed and manure load did not adversely affect water quality. It is concluded that adequate protein is needed for the proper utilization of fiber and that the final choice of protein and fiber levels to use in the diets would depend on cost.-


84. Syam, Rajuddin. Growth and survival of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry in a closed recirculating system with various food sources. October 1984. 68 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 S93) A 45 day feeding experiment using a water-recirculating system was conducted to detrmine the growth, survival and body composition of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal)from fry to fingerling in a 45 day culture period utilizing formulated feed, Artemia chlorella as food sources, singly or in combination with each other. The experiment had a total of seven treatments with four replicates. The formulated feed only or in combination with Artemia and Chlorella (Treatments A, B, C and D) resulted in higher weight gains of 129.22 mg, 94.83 mg, 77.64 mg and 73.94 mg, respectively, and percentage weight gains of 648.12 -, 467.77 -, 396.30- and 362.27 -, respectively. Those fed Artemia singly (Treatment F) and in combination with Chlorella (Treatment G) had weight gains of 55.48 mg and 36.50 mg respectively, and percentage weight gains of 280.89 - and 202.37 - respectively. Those differences were found to be highly significant (P<0 -="" .01="" 39.12="" 42.38="" 44.78="" and="" c="" chlorella="" diets="" different="" each="" f="" fed="" feed="" formulated="" from="" fry="" g="" had="" higher="" not="" of="" only="" other="" plus="" rates="" respectively="" rteemia="" rtemia="" significantly="" survi="" val="" were="" which="">0.05). They were significantly different (P<0 -="" .01="" a="" ammonia="" and-mortality="" and="" b="" be="" between="" coefficients="" complete="" considered="" correlation="" culture="" d="" diet="" diets="" dissolved="" during="" e="" each="" fifth="" for="" from="" fry.="" fry="" given="" hlorella="" level="" milkfish="" mortality="" nitrate="" nitrite="" not="" of="" only="" optimal="" oxygeen="" parameters="" period.="" range="" rate="" significant="" suffered="" the="" to="" water="" week="" were="" within="">0.05). Within Diets F, G, and C, the level of body fats of the fingerlings were 2.94 -, 2.01-, and 1.96 -, respectively, and moisture contents were 70.43-, 68.69 -, and 68.11 -, respectively. There were found to be higher than those in Diets A, B, and D. The overall results showed poor growth and survival of the fry. Among the factors identified which contributed to low survival are lack of any prophylactic treatment and residual level of ammonia which resulted from insufficient replacement of water in the sumps.-


85. Tabbu, Marlo Yap. Polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) with green mussel (Perna viridis Linnaeus) in brackishwater ponds. July 1981. 52 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1981 F5 T32) A preliminary study was conducted to find out the feasibility of culturing green mussel (Perna viridis Linnaeus) with milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) in brackishwater ponds. The treatments were : (a) monoculture of milkfish at 3,000 fingerlings/ha, (b) polyculture of milkfish and mussels at 3,000 fingerlings/ha and 680,000 mussel spat/ha. Culture was by plankton method (60 cm water depth) for milkfish and horizontal hanging for the mussels. A significant difference in the mean body weight of milkfish between the two treatments was obtained. The monoculture yield a mean total milkfish production of 332.13 kg/ha, while in polyculture, 310.45 kg/ha of milkfish production was harvested. In one polyculture pond, a recovery of 52.1 - was obtained from the mussels for a total harvest of 110 kg. The mussel condition index was 38.87 - which is a little below the marketing level of above 40 percent. based on the final harvest of the milkfish, the total yield was found to be lowest where the recovery of mussel was highest. This could be a result of insufficient food supply. A relation between the gross photosynthesis measured by the open water method and milkfish yield was observed in both treatments. The linear correlation was significantly higher in polyculture than in monoculture ponds. // Results gave encouraging indication that mussels could bee grown together with milkfish in brackishwater ponds. It was noted that for milkfish-mussel polyculture to be successful, proper water exchange and circulation should be observed through tidal flushing and with the use if - necessary of water pump.-


86. Thomforde, Hugh. Effects of chicken manure and supplementary feed on production of milkfish and red tilapia in polyculture in brackishwater earthen ponds at different stocking densities. September 1987. 64 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries -U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1987 F5 T56)-The use of fresh chicken manure and pelleted feed of similar proximate composition as nutrient inputs in brackishwater ponds, was evaluated using milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) and red tilapia (Oreochromis spp. Philippine strain) in polyculture (about 1:1 ratio) at two stocking rates (6254 and 6973 fish/ha).The fish were cultured for 99 days in 137 m2 quadrants of six 550 m2 earthen ponds, divided by nets and polyethylene sheets, in a 2 x 2 factorial incomplete block design (each pond stock at a single density). Fish were exposed to the treatments when natural food became apparently limiting after 42 days of culture. Pond water temperature was 27o - 39oC and salinity was 35-37 ppt. Significantly higher production and harvest weight was observed in the feed treatment for both tilapia and milkfish. The differences in daily growth of tilapia between the feed and manure input was larger at high density (44 - vs. 24 - difference). Growth of milkfish on feeds (1.6 g/day) was significantly greater than on manure (1.3 g/day) only at high density. Manure conversion at 2.75 dry input/kg yield was significantly higher than feed conversion (1.67) but both values were not affected by stocking rate. Milkfish exposed to feed exhibited significantly higher feeding and hepatosomatic indices but no such difference was observed for tilapia. Significantly higher fiber digestion was observed with manure loads. Tilapia survival (70-89 -) was significantly lower at high density. The results indicate better utilization of manure by milkfish than tilapia. Cost analysis of the use of feed-and manure in fishpond culture show that within the range of current prices in the Philippines use of manure is more profitable, but the advantage of one over the other would depend upon regional and seasonal differences in availability and cost. Error within treatments was reduced by using randomized complete lock design with ponds as blocks. The effect of treatments on water quality parameters is discussed.-


87. Torres, Catherine Santos. The effects of furnace on the gill structure of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) fingerlings. April 1979. 49 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials; UPV-BACL LG995 1979 F5 T6) ;SEAFDEC-AQDL-The 96 h LC50 of furnace to milkfish (Chanos chanos) fingerlings was calculated at 1.70 ppm with 95- confidence limits of 1.52 - 1.89 ppm. Histologicaly, the effects of 0.25, 0.50,1.00,2.00,2.00,2.30 and 2.50 ppm drug concentration on the gills were examined. Fish exposed to all these test levels for 96- h and transferred to untreated seawater for 240 h exhibited an initial characteristic reaction of slight hyperplasia of the epithelium, together with clubbing at the tips of the gill lamellae. Histological findings, however, do not warrant application of the estimated 96 h LC50 which lies between 1.50 and 2.00 ppm. These two test levels manifested irreversible damage until 240 h of recovery in fresh seawater.- Mussels


88. Aypa, Simeona Vicencio Moyano. Various factors affecting recovery and growth rate of transplanted mussels, Perna vividis (Linne). April 1980. 51 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 A96)-One hundred twenty thousand green mussel, Perna viridis (Linne) spats ranging in size from 15 t 21 mm in length were collected at Sapian Bay, Capiz. They were transplanted in Canas Bay, Ajuy municipality, Iloilo province, Philippines and suspended from a raft using four different types of substrates, namely: abaca or Manila rope (Musa Textilis), cabo negro (Arenga sacchariifera), sasa or nipa (Nipa fruticans) and polypropylene blue rope. Five stocking densities: 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mussels per meter rope was evaluated. The experiment was conducted from January 8 to April 23, 1978. Growth rate, recovery, optimum stocking density, optimum water depth and rope durability were determined. Results show the feasibility of farming mussels in areas without natural spatfall by spat transplantation. For a 12 mm diameter rope, a stocking density of 200 to 300 mussels per meter rope gave a standardized production of 0.66 kg per 100 mussels stocked, recovery rate of 52.7 to 54.42 per cent and a growth rate of 9.8 mm per month in 100 day culture period. Marketable size mussels over 50 mm in length with condition index of 47 per cent were obtained which compared favorably with those from natural spawning grounds.-


89. Baylon, Carlos Clemente, January 20, 1953-. Larval rearing and settlement of the green mussel, Perna viridis. May 1988. 118 leaves. Dissertation—Ph D. Biology and Living Resources—University of Miami, Florida, USA. Location: CFOSL (LG 996 1988 F5 B38) Abstract: Larvae of the green mussel (Perna viridis) were reared in the laboratory to determine optimum conditions for growth, survival and settlement. In the test for the most suitable diet with sixteen algal species, Isochrysis aff galbana (TI) gave the best larval growth although it was not significantly different from Skeletonema costatum, Pavlova lutheri, Emiliania huxleyi and Isochrysis galbana (Iso) From the biochemical analysis of the algal diets and correlation with larval growth, a significant positive correlation between algal lipid content and growth of the mussel larvae was obtained. Feeding with single and mixed algal diets for three weeks resulted in significant differences in survival of the mussel larvae but no significant difference was observed among larval growth rates. In establishing the optimum feeding level for the mussel larvae, maximum shell length was obtained at a ration of 2,500 cells/larva/day of Isochrysis aff galbana (TI) for 70 and 82-um larvae and at a ration of 5,000 cells/larvae/day for 190-um larvae. Rearing the mussel larvae at 5 larvae/ml produced the highest growth and survival and at 50 larvae/ml, the lowest growth and survival were obtained. Of the ten substrate materials tested for suitability to larval settlement, cotton had the highest number of settling larvae although this was not significantly different from the other substrates such as acrylic yarn, nylon, plastic screen, sisal and jute substrate materials with rough surfaces had higher larval settlement compared to those with smooth surfaces. In an attempt to enhance larval settlement, Y-amino-n-butyric acid was added to the larval cultures, but this did not result in a significant increase in larval settlement compared with the control treatment. Oceanography


90. Cebu, Emilio H. Temporal Variabilities of Some Oceanographic Parameters in the Nearshore Waters of Miag-ao, Iloilo. April 2000. 114 leaves. Thesis-M.S. in Fisheries-U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2000 F5 C42) -This study sought mainly to analyze the frequencies at which oceanographic variables, specifically, the significant variations, ranges or proportion of variations, the association among properties and, as an added consideration, the classification of sediments in the study area. Field sampling was conducted for five days near the Ocean Weather Laboratory project station in UPV, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Plain spectral analysis was used to analyze the variations and to explore relationships among variables. Various periodicities were revealed, most interesting of which were the shorter cycles (<12h -.="" -="" -capture.="" -two="" -u.="" -volatile="" .="" .wild="" 0.0-="" 0.02-="" 0.03="" 0.07-0.08="" 0.1="" 0.35="" 0.47="" 0.5="" 0.86.="" 0.8="" 0.93="" 0.956="" 0.97="" 0.98="" 1.08="" 1.0="" 1.15="" 1.29.="" 1.2="" 1.32="" 1.41="" 1.72="" 1.78="" 10.00="" 10.58="" 100.="" 100="" 102="" 1054="" 10="" 10raised="" 111="" 11="" 120="" 1233="" 12="" 13.2="" 13.49-="" 133="" 145="" 146="" 15-25="" 15-49-="" 15="" 167="" 1775="" 1798="" 17="" 1836="" 192m2="" 1979..="" 1979.="" 1979="" 1982.="" 1982="" 1985.="" 1985="" 1986.="" 1986="" 1988="" 1989.="" 1989="" 1994.="" 1994="" 1:3="" 1:4="" 1:5="" 1:6="" 1:7="" 1="" 1v="" 2-liter="" 2.40="" 2.44-="" 2.70="" 2.7="" 2.86="" 2.="" 20="" 22="" 230="" 23="" 24="" 25="" 25ppt="" 26-29oc="" 27="" 28.3-="" 29="" 2="" 2oc="" 3.07-="" 30="" 32-15="" 32="" 32oc="" 33-42="" 33.6="" 33.74-="" 33="" 34="" 354="" 356="" 35="" 35ppt="" 3="" 3hr="" 4-values="" 40="" 413="" 44-68-="" 457="" 45="" 48="" 4="" 5-6="" 5.1="" 50="" 54-liter="" 54.7-="" 55="" 56="" 58-="" 59="" 5="" 6.0="" 6.3="" 6.5="" 6.6="" 6.7.="" 6.7="" 60="" 61.8-="" 64-="" 6="" 6hr="" 72="" 74-114="" 75="" 7="" 7to="" 8-="" 8.2="" 826="" 82g="" 83="" 84-="" 88-="" 88="" 8="" 9-day="" 90="" 91.="" 92.="" 93.="" 94.="" 95.="" 96.="" 96="" 97.="" 98.="" 99.="" 9="" :="" a-amino="" a24="" a4="" a67="" a="" abdminal="" abdominal="" abeto="" ability="" ablated.="" ablated="" ablatedd="" ablation.="" ablation="" about="" abricus="" abundance="" acceptable.-="" acceptable="" acceptablee="" accepted="" acetes="" acetic="" achieved="" acid="" acids="" acitenobacter="" acount="" activities.="" activities="" actor="" added="" adding="" addition="" adjusted="" adult-size="" advice="" aeratin="" aeration.="" aeration="" aerationadn="" aeromonas="" affect="" affected="" affecting="" after="" against="" agencies="" aid="" airlift="" al.="" alamang="" alava="" alenciennes="" all="" allowed="" almost="" alonger="" already="" also="" alteromonas="" although="" alviola-posadas="" amalia="" ambient.="" ambient="" amino="" ammonia="" among="" amount="" an="" analyzed="" analyzer.="" and-41.07-="" and="" anterior="" anymore.="" appeared="" application="" april-june="" april="" apud="" aquaria="" aquarium="" arch="" are="" area.="" areas="" aroma.="" aroma="" around="" as="" aspects="" associations.="" astaxanthin="" at="" atretic="" attained="" attributed="" atvrejection="" atypical="" available="" average="" averaging="" aw="" b.-a="" b.="" b="" bacteria="" bacterial="" bagoong="" base-nitrogen="" batch="" batches="" bay="" be="" because="" become="" before="" began="" behavior="" behavioral="" below="" benefit="" berried="" best="" better="" between="" biased="" bigger="" biology="" biomass.="" biomass="" black="" blue="" body="" both.="" both="" bottom="" bred="" brining="" brokers="" bulk="" but="" by="" c34="" c="" ca2="" calanoga="" can="" cannibalism="" cannot="" carapace="" carried="" casein="" catch="" catches="" caught="" cavite="" cells="" certain="" cetes="" cfosl-serials="" change="" changes="" characterized="" cheesy="" chemical="" chlorination="" chosen="" chromobacterium="" city.="" cl-="" cl.="" cl="" cm="" coliform="" collected="" colony-="" colony="" color="" combination="" combinations.-="" combinations.="" combined="" commercial="" common="" compared="" comparison="" compensate="" complete="" completed="" composed="" comprised="" concentrations="" conclusive.="" conditions:="" conducted.="" conducted="" confirmed="" consequently="" constant="" consumption.-="" contain="" containers="" containing="" contamination="" content.="" content="" contents="" continous="" continously="" contrast="" contribution="" control.="" control="" controlled="" conversion="" corazon="" correlated="" correlation="" cortical="" cost="" count="" counts="" crassostrea="" crude="" ctober="" culture="" current.="" d.-effects="" d.="" d="" daily="" data="" day.="" day="" days.="" days="" dealers="" decline="" decreased="" decreasing="" deep="" degree="" delay.="" delay="" delays="" depth="" depurated="" depurating="" depuration="" depurationtrays="" derived="" despite="" detected="" deterioration="" determine="" detrmine="" developed="" development="" developmental="" diameter="" diameters="" did="" dietary="" diets="" diffentiating="" differ="" difference="" differences="" different="" dip="" direct="" discussed.-="" dissappeared="" dissolved="" distinct="" distribution="" doe="" done="" doublesand="" drop="" dry="" drying.="" drying="" due="" during="" dynamics="" each="" earthen="" effeciency="" effect="" effective="" effects="" efficiency.-="" efficiency="" efficient="" efficiently="" egg="" eggs.="" eggs="" eight="" employed.="" enaeus="" end="" enormous="" enough="" enterobacter.-="" environment.="" environmental="" esterlita="" estimated="" estimates="" et="" evaluation="" even="" examination="" exist="" expensive.-="" experiment="" experiments="" explain="" exposed="" eyestalk="" f5="" fabricius.="" fabricius="" facilities.="" factors="" faster="" favor="" february="" fed="" feeback="" feed="" feeding="" female="" females="" fermentation.="" fermentation="" filled="" filtered="" filtration="" first="" fish="" fisheries-u.="" fisheries="" fishermen="" fishery="" fishing="" fishponds="" five="" flavor="" flora="" florentino="" flow-through="" flow="" flows:treatment="" fluctuated="" followed="" following:="" following="" for="" forces="" formation="" formed="" former="" formula="" formulation="" forskal="" found.="" found="" four="" fourth="" frequency="" fresh="" frigate="" fro="" from="" fry="" fsh="" fully="" further="" g34="" g="" gain="" gains="" gallego="" gas="" gave="" gear="" gears="" generally="" gillnet="" given="" gonadosomatic="" government="" greater="" groups="" growing.="" growth="" h6="" habitats="" habits="" had="" harvest="" hatch="" hatchery="" hatching="" have="" help="" hence="" high="" higher="" highest="" highly="" hindered="" histamine="" histological="" hour.="" hour="" hours="" however="" hr.="" hr="" hrimp="" human="" i.e.="" i="" ice-october="" ice-stored="" ice="" identification="" ii="" iii="" iloilo.="" iloilo="" immature="" implying="" important="" improved="" in="" including="" income="" increase="" increased="" increases="" increasing="" incubation="" index="" indicate="" indicated="" indicates="" indication="" indications="" indices="" individual="" individually="" information="" inhibition.="" initial="" innate="" intense="" interested="" intermediate="" inversely="" ionic="" ions="" iredalei="" is="" isocaloric="" isolates="" isotherm="" it="" iv.="" iv="" july="" juveniles.="" juveniles="" k-="" k-value="" k="" key="" kill="" l.="" l.subviridis="" l3="" l="" labuan="" lake="" large="" larva="" larvae.-="" larvae="" lasola="" latter="" latters="" leaves.="" led="" legaspi.="" length-weight="" length="" lengths="" less="" level="" levelled="" levels.="" levels="" life="" light="" lights.-="" like="" likewise="" limited="" limpapa="" liter="" literature.="" liters="" liza="" load="" lobster="" lobsters="" location:="" longer="" loss="" low="" lower="" lowest="" luffts="" lupin="" m3="" m="" mackerel="" mainly="" major="" males="" manila="" marceliano="" march.="" march="" marine="" mario="" markedly="" market="" maturatin-salinity="" maturation="" mature="" matured="" may="" meal="" mean="" measured.="" measured="" measurements="" measuring="" media.="" media="" medium="" mesh="" method.="" method="" methods="" methodsof="" methoods="" mg2="" mg="" miag-ao="" microaerophilic="" microbial="" might="" migration="" migratory="" mindoro="" minor="" minute.="" minutes="" mixing="" mm="" moisture="" monitored="" monitoring="" monodon="" more.="" more="" mortality="" most="" movement="" movements="" mpn="" mu="" much="" mullet.="" mullet="" multiple="" munsell="" n.-the="" n54="" n="" na="" naic="" natural="" naujan="" needed="" netted="" nieto="" ninnette="" no="" non-black="" none="" not="" notation="" november="" number="" numbers="" nursery="" oarian="" observations="" observed="" obtain="" obtained:="" obtained="" occurred="" oceanographic="" october="" of.ripening.="" of10="" of20-="" of="" off-smell="" off="" old="" on="" one-minute="" one-year="" one.="" one="" only="" onsumer="" oocytes="" optimum.="" optimum="" or="" order="" organisms="" organoleptic="" oriental="" original="" ornatus.="" ornatus="" orskal="" other="" out="" ovarian="" ovaries.="" ovaries="" ovary="" over="" ovum="" oxygen:="" oyster="" oysters.="" oysters="" ozone="" p.="" p32="" p33="" p48="" p4="" p5="" p="" packed="" panulirus="" paste="" pattern="" peak="" penaeus="" per="" percent="" perforated="" perinucleoalar="" period.="" period="" ph:p8-="" ph="" philippine="" philippines.="" physiologically="" pinkish="" piquero.="" placed="" plastic="" plesiomonas="" plete="" plus="" pods="" pond-reared="" ponds.="" ponds="" pooled="" popuation="" population="" positively="" possible="" post="" posterior="" ppm.="" ppt.="" ppt="" practical="" prawn="" prawns="" pre-formed.="" predominantly="" preferences="" preliminary="" prepared="" presence="" present="" presented="" prior="" probable="" procedure="" procesing="" process="" producers.="" producers="" product.="" product="" production="" profile="" pronounced.="" protein.="" protein="" proved="" pseudomonas="" purification="" purple="" putrefaciens="" pvp-iodine="" qualities="" quality.="" quality="" quantitative="" quantitatively="" rainy="" raised="" ramos.="" range.="" ranged="" rate="" rates="" ratio.="" ratio="" ratios="" raw="" reached="" reading="" readings="" realtively="" reamining="" reared="" rearing="" recommended="" record="" recorded="" rectangular="" red="" reddish-purple="" reddish="" reduce="" reduced="" reducing="" reduction="" regarding="" regular="" rejected="" rejection.="" rejection="" relationship="" relevant="" replicate="" reproductive="" requirement="" requirements="" requires="" researchers.-="" resident="" residue="" respectiely.="" respectively.="" respectively="" responsible="" result="" resulted="" results="" revealed="" ripening.="" ripening="" rods="" room="" rosario="" rp="" runs="" ruth.="" safe="" saline="" salinities.="" salinity:="" salinity="" salt-ripened="" salt-to-shrimp="" salt="" salted="" salting.="" salting="" salty="" same="" sample.="" sample="" sampled="" samples="" sampling="" sand-gravel="" sand="" satisfactory="" screening="" season="" seasonality="" seasons="" seawater.="" seawater="" second="" sections="" sediments="" seheli="" selective.="" sensory="" separate="" september="" set="" sex="" sexes="" sharp="" shelf="" shelters="" shift="" shifted="" shorter="" showed="" showing="" shown="" shrimp="" shrimps="" side.="" significant="" significantly="" similar="" simultaneous="" single="" site="" sites.="" sites="" six="" sixteen="" size="" sizes="" slipper-shaped="" smell.="" smell="" smoke-dried="" smoked-dried="" socio-economic="" sole="" some="" sorbate="" sorption="" source="" sources="" soybean="" sp.="" spawn="" spawned="" spawners="" spawning.="" spawning="" species="" specifications.="" spoilage="" spoilers="" spp.="" squid="" stage.="" stage="" stages.="" stages="" standard="" standardized="" starting="" sterilization="" sterilized="" stocked="" storage="" stored="" studied="" studies.="" studies="" study.="" study="" subjected="" subsequent="" subviridis.="" subviridis="" succeeded="" suceeding2="" such="" sugpo="" sulfides="" sulphide="" summer="" supplemented="" supply="" survival="" survived="" surviving="" system.="" system="" t.="" table="" tage="" taken="" tank="" tanks="" taste.="" taste="" technology="" temperature:="" temperature="" temperatures="" ten="" terms="" test="" tested="" than="" that="" thazard="" the="" their="" theoretical="" there="" therefore="" these="" thesis-m.s.="" they="" third="" this="" those="" thraic="" three="" tidally-induced="" time.="" time="" tissues="" to="" tolerate="" torrymeter="" total="" towards="" treatment.="" treatment="" treatments.="" treatments:="" treatments="" treatmentss="" trial="" trials="" tvb-n="" two="" type="" types="" unablated="" unavailability="" uncontrollable="" under="" undertaken.="" unfamiliar="" unilateral="" unilaterally="" unpacked="" unsalted="" unsatisfactory="" upon="" use="" used.="" used="" useful="" using="" utilize.="" uv="" uxis="" v.="" v="" valamugil="" valenciennes="" value="" values="" variables="" varied="" various="" varying="" veronica="" versa.="" very="" viable="" vibrio="" vice="" viloria.="" visayas-iloilo="" visayas-miag-ao="" visayas.="" volatile="" was="" water.="" water="" waters="" weak="" week="" weeks.="" weeks="" weight="" weights="" well="" were:="" were="" when="" whereas="" wherein="" which="" while="" wind="" with="" without="" withreseroir="" wooden-galss="" woodentanks="" x="" xperiment="" yielding="" yolky="" zamboanga="" zoea="" zoeal="">0.10) relationship with survival. No interaction effect was observed between factors A and B. In terms of growth, the final average body weight varied inversely with survival, so that treatment B obtained the lowest mean weight of 365 mg, followed by C, 393 mg;A 420 mg; and D, 478 mg. The differences, however, were not significant, thus, total prawn biomass was still directly related to survival. Overall results showed a more promising results for treatments B and C in terms of survival and total-yield compared t treatments A and D. Simple economic analysis, however, showed better economic viability for treatments A and B over C and D.-

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